Popcorn Kick-Off 2018
- Teaches kids how to interact with people (manners, public speaking)
- Kids learn about sales, finances, and how to be responsible with money
- Scouts learn to set a goal and work toward it
- 36% goes to the unit (pays for advancements, snacks, unit activities, adult registration for returning Scouters, B&G decorations and awards, t-shirts, banners, flags, end-of-year gifts for Scouters, event patches, discounts on camping/events, PWD track, trailer, camping equipment, etc.)
- 33% to council (pay for camps, training, salaries, insurances)
- Kids earn their way! No dues in our unit. The more they sell, the more it pays for unit AND individual expenses
- Each Scout is asked to sell a minimum of $250 (this pays for their portion of the basic unit program for this year)
- We challenge each Scout to sell $800 (this will allow us to buy camping equipment, handbooks, neckerchiefs/slides, Pinewood Derby Kits, and a bunch of discounts for other camping and events throughout the year)
- Our Pack goal is $15,000.
- Does this sound crazy?? What if you break it down? Look at your goal as a series of smaller goals to achieve. First of all, the average sale is about $15. So, to reach the minimum goal of $225, a Scout only needs to sell to 15 people. When you include the Show-n-Sell and online orders, this number drops even more.
- How about $800? That’s 53 sales. If you look at the fact that we have 12 weeks to sell the product, figure out how many days your Scout can dedicate to selling. Once a week? Twice a week? Three times a week? Then you can say, for example, that your Scout will commit to selling for 12 days (one day a week). That would equal 4.4 sales a day. That’s about 30-60 minutes of work. See how it’s not as hard as you might think to reach such a goal? The key is to mark on your calendar at the start of the sales season which days you go out. Commit to those days as you would commit to attending a meeting or a sports practice. That way, you won’t be stressing out 3 days before order forms are due trying to sell to 20 people!
- In addition, we are asking Scouts to work 8 hours of Show-n-Sells over a 10 week period. That will add to their total sales.
- Scouts Earn Credit with Unit for Expenses
- All Cub Scouts who sell $200+ worth of popcorn during the 2018 Fall season will earn “credit” with the unit. This credit is non-transferable and is forfeited when the Scout leaves the Troop (either by quitting or transferring to another unit). That credit will then just go into the overall unit funds. This credit, otherwise, has no expiration date.
- The credit will only be used by the parent/guardian of the Scout only when requested and is to be used for items/services that the unit can pay for either at the Scout Shop (uniforms, patches, handbooks, gear, etc.) or at Council (registration, Summer Camp, Council/District Events) or Unit Events (camping, field trips, etc.). A form will be given for the family to keep track of their balance and is to be presented upon usage of the credits. The unit will keep a copy for their records as well.
$ Sold | 0 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1300 | 1400 | 1500 | 1600 | 1700 |
Credit Earned | 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 100 | 120 | 140 | 160 | 180 | 200 | 220 | 240 |
§ Trails-End Prizes (see order forms)
Each Scout may choose one prize from the sales level reached OR multiple prizes from lower levels, but cannot exceed the total sales amount achieved. Scouts may NOT combine sales with other Scouts. Online and traditional sales can be combined for higher sales levels!
§ Unit Prizes
The Unit’s Three Top Sellers will earn: | | The Unit’s Top Online Seller will earn: |
Drone* | _files/image011.jpg) | | RC* | _files/image012.jpg) |
Fishing Equipment* | _files/image013.jpg) | |
Jackknife* Riding Scooter* | _files/image014.jpg) Scouts | _files/image015.jpg) Cubs | |
| | | | | |
*makes and models have not been determined
§ Pizza Party if Troop Reaches Goal
If the unit sells its goal (Troop = $5,000 and Pack = $15,000), we will have a pizza party!
§ Pick from Prize Chest
o Scout gets to pick a prize out of the “Prize Chest” for:
§ Every sheet filled (30 customers)
§ Every $10 worth of cash donations to the unit
§ Every $100 sold on the take-order sheet
§ Every 2-hour shift worked at a Show-N-Sell
§ Earn Amazon.com Rewards
Receive 5% for every dollar sold online, over $300. Amazon.com Gift Care redeemed through your Scout account at www.trails-end.com .
§ Win a Trip to Disney
Register an account with Trail’s End and record one online sale for your change to win a trip for two to Walter Disney World Resort. For more info, see www.trails-end.com/winatrip .
§ The Sellers Club
Every Scout who sells $650 or more of popcorn can become a member of the Sellers Club. Every member of the Sellers Club receives one ticket for each of several local sporting events as available. In addition, drawings of 4 prizes will be held through the sale, for all Sellers Club members. Multiple entries are encouraged. Scouts receive one entry into the drawing for each $650 sold. If a Scouts name is not picked their entry will stay in for the remainder of the drawings. To join the Sellers Club, Unit Kernel will email or drop off an entry form for all unit entries to the District Kernel or Executive. Entry Form is appendix 1.
Sellers Club Drawing Schedule
| Entry Due Date | Drawing Date |
Drawing #1: | September 18th Sellers Club Entries due to District Executives by noon | 21st Sellers Club drawing. |
Drawing #2: | October 9th Sellers Club Entries due to District Executives by noon. | 12th Sellers Club drawing. |
Drawing #3: | November 2nd Sellers Club Entries due to District Executives by noon | 7th Sellers Club drawing. |
§ Super Sellers’ Club
Scouts in Longhouse Council that sell $10,000+ will get to choose one of the following packages! (Top seller's must be individual scout sales.)
OUTDOOR ADVENTURE Mountain Bike & Helmet OR Kayak & Paddle | CAMP BUNDLE Tent, Headlamp, CamelBak Hydration Day Pack, Water Filter, Sleeping bag | SUMMER ADVENTURE 1 week at Sabattis Scout Reservation or Longhouse Council Cub Camp of Choice in 2018 and a $20 Trading Post Gift Certificate! |
§ Star Spangled Spidey Spectacular*
Do you have what it takes to become a Popcorn Hero? The top selling Scouts that sell $1,200 or more will receive tickets for themselves and a parent/guardian to attend the Star Spangled Spidey Spectacular! You and a parent/guardian or leader will be able to experience an overnight at a local attraction and in the morning you’ll grab some breakfast and head over to the movies where you and your friends enjoy our private screening of the NEW Spider Man movie: Into the SpiderVerse! *Please note that we are still finalizing details with venues and will release more information as soon as possible.
§ Trail’s End Scholarship Program
Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (online, face-to-face or combination) in any calendar year receive 6% of their total sales invested in their own college scholarship account. That is $0.06 of every dollar they sell! Once Scouts are enrolled, 6% of their sales each year will be added to their account. Scouts only have to hit the $2,500 minimum one time! (Please see the form included with your popcorn packet.) The forms must be filled out and submitted to your District Kernel or Executive.
§ 2018 Piece Patch
This year’s piece patch takes us on a journey through Scouting in Longhouse Council. The design isn’t finished yet, but the piece patch levels are as follows:
1. Participation patch — Sell at least $25 in popcorn to earn the patch
2. Seller's Club — Sell $650 in popcorn and get entered into the Seller's Club to earn this patch
3. One of each — Sell one of each item on the take order form (excluding the military donations to earn this patch)
4. Military donation — Achieve at least $30 in military donations to earn this patch
5. Online — Have at least one online sale to earn this patch
6. Top seller's — Scouts that achieve sales of $1,200+ earn this patch (this patch will be distributed based on seller's club information)
o The top selling Scouts will receive a full set of patches.
o The top 10 selling Scouts will receive 2 limited edition patches created exclusively for them. Once the patch designs are finalized Longhouse Council will update their website, FB site, and notify units!
§ Take Order Sheets
o People you know
§ Family members & friends (call them if you don’t see them)
§ Places of gatherings (church, sport teams, clubs, teachers, school staff, etc.)
o Door-to-Door
§ Ask neighbors and expand beyond to other neighborhoods —Don’t limit yourself to only the people you know. Our small community truly wants to support the Scouts, and they also love popcorn. In my personal experience, about 70% of those asked to buy popcorn…WILL!
§ Stores and places of business
§ Parents work place — Rather than a parent bringing their Scout’s sales sheet to work, have the Scout go and have him earn their way! This is a great teaching opportunity, and co-workers especially appreciate it when they hear the request from the Scouts themselves.
o Online sales
§ Create an account at https://www.trails-end.com/register/parent
· Once you have created an account, be sure to finalize it with a photo of your Scout in uniform and a quick statement of why he’s selling popcorn and where that money goes (camping, special events, awards, equipment, etc…as well as directly to the Scout in form of credit towards his personal expenses).
· Once your account looks groovy, copy and paste the link to his account and email it to all your friends and family! [TIP….create a 15 second video of him saying “hi” and saying his script…it adds a bonus cuteness factor plus makes him more real rather than just a digital story…it also helps your friends and family see how much he’s grown since the last time]
§ Don’t forget to post it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all the social media sites you have!
§ Email all your friends the same video & link.
§ Don’t think it’s worthwhile doing online sales? Well, read the story of Charlette who posted with TV celebrity Mike Rowe (“Dirty Jobs” show). She sold more Girl Scout cookies than any one…IN THE WORLD! Read the story: http://mikerowe.com/2017/02/closing-the-loop-on-charlottes-cookie-caper/
§ Call family who live too far away to deliver to (calling is better than emailing)
o Pull A Wagon
§ The unit has pre-ordered many packages ahead of time. Scouts are welcomed to take them with them to sell to people directly. (This is very helpful to sell to people who are visiting from out of town, but don’t want to pay for delivery.)
o Show-n-Sells
§ This is when the unit will display a table with the popcorn in front of a store to sell to people directly. Two locations throughout Hermon, DeKalb, Canton, Potsdam and Heuvelton will be scheduled every Saturday and Sunday from August 25 – October 28th. Future weekends will be available for scheduling once current weekends are filled. The unit is asking each Scout to work a total of four 2-hour shifts.
§ One Scout will work with one adult family member per shift.
§ Go to https://signup.com/ and download onto your computer or device this app…it’s what we use to sign up for shifts for Show-n-Sells. This will also allow you to see others who’ve signed up in case you need to switch with someone. Connect your account to “Cub Scout Pack 144” to find our shifts.
§ The Scout is to show up in full uniform…LOOKING NEAT! (Shirt always tucked in, clothes and hair well-kempt, toe-covered shoes, etc.)
§ Credit Cards as Payment
· Each Scout/adult team will be asked to download a credit card reading app called “Square Point of Sale” (see https://squareup.com/) …together with a card reader that plugs into a device (provided by the unit), the Scout will be able to receive credit cards as payment
§ Each Scout/adult team will be given a “device code” that needs to be associated with the device used by them. If the code is not programmed into the device within 72 hours, a new code will have to be generated.
§ Each Scout will have their sales tracked and thusly the popcorn and money received will be accountable from Scout to Scout.
§ If the Scout/adult team cannot attend their shift or are late, they MUST contact both Darcie Velez and the team working before them AS SOON AS IT IS KNOWN THEY WILL NOT BE ON TIME.
§ The team working the first shift of each day/location is responsible for picking up the table, chairs, banner, popcorn, cash box, etc. to set up. The last team is responsible for breaking down the display and returning it to Darcie Velez (or the team working the next day/shift).
§ Instructions on set up will be included to ensure professionalism and continuity of the display table.
§ Once the season is over, all hours will be divided into the total amount of sales to determine the sales per hour earned and will be tracked to the hours that each Scout worked.
§ Tips for Selling
o Always wear your uniform.
o Bring your order form and 2 pens and a money envelope.
o Smile!
o Use the following script: “Hi! My name is ____________! I’m from Pack/Troop 144. I’m doing a Scout fundraiser so that we may go camping, buy equipment, and do other fun events. We are selling gourmet popcorn and pretzels. How will you help me?”
o Be sure to have torn off the prize sheet from the order form CAREFULLY so it doesn’t tear the order form. (It looks tacky showing customers the prizes that you’ll earn…it’ll appear as if that’s the only reason why you’re selling).
o Be courteous and polite.
o Know what kind of popcorn you are selling.
o If someone asks how much it costs, do not answer with prices. Just say, “They range in prices, but 70% goes directly to Scouting. Please take a look at the prices.”
o Say “Thank You” even if the person buys nothing.
o If they do buy, say “Thank you for supporting Pack/Troop 144”.
o Hand them the flyer your unit gives you to help promote the Scouts in your area.
o Be aware that usually 7 out of 10 people buy popcorn. The more you ask, the more customers you will have.
o Don’t be afraid to upsell. Once they pick an item, ask if they would like to purchase another as a gift for a friend or family or as an added treat for themselves.
o If a customer says, “No. We don’t eat popcorn.” Suggest the Chocolate Lover’s Collection, or them buying it as a gift for someone, or suggest a donation to send popcorn to our troops overseas.
o Use last year’s order form so you can go to the same people again. (Use their name! They will really want to order from you again if you can say, “Hey Mrs. Smith! Thanks for supporting our unit last year! If you remember…” (then do your script).
o If they wish to give a money donation, kindly accept.
o Payment is due upon delivery, but if they wish to pay when ordering, that is preferred. Please mark on the order sheet who has already paid and bring that money when you turn in your order forms.
o Checks are made out to “Hermon-DeKalb Pack 144” OR “Hermon-DeKalb Troop 144”.
§ Tips for Staying Safe
o Have an adult come with you.
o Stay outside the house, even if you’re invited in. It’s a Scout rule.
o Walk on sidewalks and driveways, not lawns or the street.
o Sell in pairs.
§ Tips on Delivering Popcorn
o Tape a thank you card to each order. This will be provided by the Pack/Troop.
o Wear your uniform.
o Have your order form and money envelope with you.
o Collect the customer’s money and then give popcorn to your customers.
o If the customer has no money, say you will come back another day and deliver the popcorn.
o Checks are made out to “Hermon-DeKalb Pack 144” OR “Hermon-DeKalb Troop 144”.
o Stay outside the house.
o Put money and checks in your money envelope.
o Say “Thank you for supporting Pack/Troop 144”
o Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
o Save your order form so you can go to the same people next year.