
2019-2020 Boy's Den Leader Klay & Danielle Maxwell 208-859-7664 (Girl's Den Leader position available) Webelos Dens are for children who are in 4th grade.
The Webelos program is different from the Cub Scout program. Everything in the Webelos Scout program is more challenging than what younger scouts in the Pack do. Webelos Scouts get to work on the five required Webelos adventures and choose 2 of the 18 elective adventures that are shared by the Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks. When a scout has done the requirements for an adventure, the Webelos Den Leader, rather than a parent, approves most of the adventures. For each adventure a scout completes, he/she receives a pin to wear on the Webelos colors or on his/her hat. After completing 7 adventures, including 5 required adventures and 2 elective adventures, a Scout can receive the Webelos badge. After the scout has earned the Webelos badge, a Webelos Scout can work on the remaining 18 shared Webelos and Arrow of Light electives until he/she finishes fourth grade. The scout can choose elective adventures that may show him/her new hobbies and teach skills that will be useful during the Boy Scout years. When the scout completes an elective adventure, he/she receives an additional adventure loop to wear on the scouting belt. See attached for PROGRAM MODIFICATION as of November 2016.

REQUIRED Adventure Pins
Cast Iron Chef
Do all of these:
1. At an approved time in an outdoor location and using tinder, kindling, and fuel wood, demonstrate how to build a fire; light the fire, unless prohibited by local fire restrictions. After allowing the flames to burn safely, safely extinguish the flames with minimal impact to the fire site.
2. Set personal nutritional goals. Keep a food journal for one week; review your journal to determine if the goals were met.
3. Plan a menu for a balanced meal for your den or family. Determine the budget for the meal. Shop for the items on your menu while staying within your budget.
4. Prepare a balanced meal for your den or family; utilize one of the methods below for preparation of part of your meal:
a. Camp stove
b. Dutch oven
c. Box oven
d. Solar oven
e. Open campfire or charcoal
5. Demonstrate an understanding of food safety practices while preparing the meal.
Duty to God and You (completed at home)
Do either requirement 1 OR requirement 2.
1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith for Webelos Scouts.
2. Complete at least three of requirements 2a–2d:
a. Help plan, support, or actively participate in a service of worship or reflection. Show reverence during the service.
b. Review with your family or den members what you have learned about your duty to God.
c. Discuss with your family, family’s faith leader, or other trusted adult how planning and participating in a service of worship or reflection helps you live your duty to God.
d. List one thing that will bring you closer to doing your duty to God, and practice it for one month. Write down what you will do each day to remind you.
First Responder
Do all of these:
1. Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
2. Show what to do for the hurry cases of first aid:
a. Serious bleeding
b. Heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest
c. Stopped breathing
d. Stroke
e. Poisoning
3. Show how to help a choking victim.
4. Show how to treat for shock.
5. Demonstrate that you know how to treat the following:
a. Cuts and scratches
b. Burns and scalds
c. Sunburn
d. Blisters on the hand and foot
e. Tick bites
f. Bites and stings of other insects
g. Venomous snakebite
h. Nosebleed
i. Frostbite
6. Put together a simple home first-aid kit. Explain what you included and how to use each item correctly.
7. Create and practice an emergency readiness plan for your home or den meeting place.
8. Visit with a first responder.
Stronger, Faster, Higher
Do all of these:
1. Understand and explain why you should warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. Demonstrate the proper way to warm up and cool down.
2. Do these activities and record your results:
a. 20-yard dash
b. Vertical jump
c. Lifting a 5-pound weight
d. Push-ups
e. Curls
f. Jumping rope
3. Make an exercise plan that includes at least three physical activities. Carry out your plan for 30 days, and write down your progress each week.
4. With your den, prepare a fitness course or series of games that includes jumping, avoiding obstacles, weight lifting, and running. Time yourself going through the course, and improve your time over a two-week period.
5. With adult guidance, lead younger Scouts in a fitness game or games as a gathering activity for a pack or den meeting.
6. Try a new sport you have never tried before.
Webelos Walkabout
Do all of these:
1. Create a hike plan.
2. Assemble a hiking first-aid kit.
3. Describe and identify from photos any poisonous plants and dangerous animals and insects you might encounter on your hike.
4. Before your hike, plan and prepare a nutritious lunch. Enjoy it on your hike, and clean up afterward.
5. Recite the Outdoor Code and the Leave No Trace Principles for Kids from memory. Talk about how you can demonstrate them on your Webelos adventures.
6. With your Webelos den or with a family member, hike 3 miles (in the country if possible).
7. Complete a service project on or near the hike location.
8. Perform one of the following leadership roles during your hike: trail leader, first-aid leader, lunch leader, or service project leader.
ELECTIVE Adventure Pins
Adventures in Science
Visit a place of science and talk to a scientist, learn about variables, solar system, rockets, circuits, chemical reactions and motion studies.
Water safety, swimming classifications, boating, rescues, life jackets and lifeguard training.
Art Explosion
Visit art gallery, make two self-portraits, explore various art mediums & techniques, create a portfolio and display your artwork.
Aware and Care
Learn about the challenges of different physical impairments, learn about acceptance of differences, participate in an activity or service project with those who have disabilities.
Build It
Learn about tools & safety, create a carpentry project and learn about careers in construction.
Build my Own Hero
Learn about heroes in your community, Scouting and your personal life.
Outdoor survival, build shelter, fire-starting, simple games, what to do if lost in woods and good leadership in emergency situations.
Earth Rocks!
Learn about geology, identify rocks & minerals, geological building materials, learn about erosion, earth science and natural resources.
Engineering and types of engineers, learn about blueprints and create two engineering projects.
Fix It
Home safety & repairs, create Fix It toolbox, learn how to perform various home & car repairs or improvements.
Game Design
Create an online game and learn about Internet safety.
Into the Wild
Insect or reptile collection, bird-watching, animal observation in the wild, food chains and ecosystems, aquatic wetlands, visit a nature center or zoo.
Into the Woods
Forestry, tree identification, plants & trees important to our ecosystem, how wood is useful, tree care and growth.
Looking Back, Looking Forward
History of Scouting, create timeline and time capsule.
Make a musical instrument, attend a musical performance, write, teach and perform a song.
Create a storyboard, make an animated or live action movie and share it.
Project Family
Learn about family history and ancestors, create home job chart, home hazards, help plan a family project together and a family fun event
Play two team sports, two individual sports, learn about official's signals and good sportsmanship.