
Jessica Deweese has been our committee Chair since March 2018, with scouting experience since August 2017 with her son who was in the Lion pilot program. She is a full time nurse, mom and volunteer to our scouts.
She has taken the role of Camp Health Officer for the Summer Day Camp at Camp Rotary. With her Wood badge class in her grasp, Jessica's passion for scouting is seen in the leadership she brings to the pack.
Jessica is also our 2019 LHC Scout Ambassador. She has completed her Youth Protection Training per BSA policies, BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) Training in April 2019, all Den Leader, Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Treasure, Chaplain, trainings per BSA. She's went above and beyond and completed her STEM Councilor training as well. Jessica is following her grandfathers footsteps, her grandfather was a Cub Scout leader for 40 years in Rochester, NY.
Jessica can be reached at 270-526-0195 for any or all questions!