- Riley Gallivan - 2022. Project: Care packages for Minnesota soldiers stationed in the Horn of Africa
- Rahul Faizer - 2022. Project: Built 5 duck houses at Casey Lake Park
- Rohan Faizer - 2022. Project: Landscaping at Children's Discovery Academy
- Eddie Trombley - 2021. Project: Care packages for veterans
- Adam Collins - 2020. Project: Made tie blankets for Children's Minnesota Cardiac Unit
- Ben Belin - 2019. Project: Installed a new rain garden on Sextant Ave
- Hunter Huot - 2018. Project: Built enclosures for 4 portable restrooms (porta-potties) at Spooner Park and Pioneer Park
- Mason Seibert - 2017. Project: Built six benches for a dog park
- Cory Huot - 2017. Project: Built pergola at the Little Canada Veterans Memorial
- Chris Nelson - 2016. Project: Collected toiletries and personal products for Simpson Housing Services
- Zack Olson - 2016. Project: Built benches for the American Humane Society
- Wade Olson - 2015. Project: Built tow horse wash stalls for the Chisago County Fairgrounds
- Nick Nelson - 2015. Project: Built patio and table at the Little Canada Veterans Memorial
- Andrew Miller - 2014. Project: Built Trellis' at the Sharon Richardson Hospice Center in Wisconsin
- Ryan Miller - 2014. Project: Built Wheel Chair Accessible Garden Boxes for a retirement home
- Cody Gross - 2014. Project: Made a Pumpkin Patch for Gibbs Farm
- Lucas Ellering - 2014. Project: Building Shelves in Parish Office at St. John's Church of Little Canada
- Andrew Frechette - 2014. Project: Made a wheel chair accessible path surrounding the Bocce Ball court at Merrick
- Robert Wiatros - 2013. Project: Built Bocce Ball Court at Merrick
- Avery Frechette - 2013. Project: Clean-Up 13 miles of the St Croix River
- Ryan Schrom - 2013. Project: Built retaining wall at Merrick
- Steven Zettel - 2011. Project: Refurbished playground at St. John the Evangelist Catholic School.
- Javier Romay - 2010. Project: Collected School Supplies for children in Eucador with the Lions Club, benefiting over 400 children.
- Stefan Bruvelis -2009. Project: Made 84 tied polar-fleece blankets for the homeless shelter Caring and Sharing Hands.
- Michael Pelletier - 2008. Project: Rebuilt a 110 foot retaining wall at St. John's Cemetery.
- Dan Caron - 2008. Project: Built multiple retaining walls around two staircases at the church camp, Camp Wapogasset.
- Kevin Huot - 2008. Project: Rebuilt two retaining walls and sidewalk for the side entrance at the Mary House at St. John's.
- Anthony Goodman - 2008. Project: Landscaping rocks under St. John's Cemetary fence.
- Corey Dowdle - 2007. Project: Refurbishing (painting) St. John's Cemetary fence.
- Drew Hedlund - 2006. Project: Downspout management, Lake Gervais.
- Brian Huot - 2005. Project: Collected children's and young adults' books for donation to a shelter.
- Tim Picha - 2005. Project: Painted all of the fire hydrants in the southern half of Vadnais Heights.
- Alec Hedlund - 2004. Project: Watershed District Management in the Lake Gervais area.
- Eric Wall - 2003. Project: Collected video tape movies and video games for a children's hospital.
- Sam Henley - 2003. Project: Planted trees along I-694 near the Hwy. 36 interchange.
- Ben Tuerk - 2002. Project: Constructed information stations/sign boards for a nature preserve.
- Mario Salute - 2001. Project: Checked and replaced smoke detectors in Little Canada homes.
- Joel Sinna - 2001. Project: Installed new envelope holders in the pews at St. John the Evangelist Church.
- Brad Richter - 1999 Project: Restored a heavy old bell and mounted it on a portable support platform for use by St. John the Evangelist Church.
- Ross Wehrle -1999.
- Tim Anderson - 1999.
- Mike Towle -1999. Project: Replaced all the wood chips and mulch around the trees surrounding the John Rose Skating Oval in Roseville.
- Gary Tuerk -1999. Project: Built and placed birdhouses in the nature preserve in Vadnais Heights, MN.
- David French -1999. Project: Labeled all the hoses at the Little Canada Fire Department, so they could easily be identified when multiple departments are called to respond to a fire.
- Ben L'Allier - 1997. Project: Replaced the cracked and sunken sidewalks at St. John the Evangelist School.
- Adam Wilson - 1997. Project: Repainted a house for an elderly woman.
- Trevor Shearen -1997. Project: Raised and reset the sunken headstones in St. John's Cemetary.
- John Hanna -1996. Project: Coordinated a food drive between several parishes for food shelves.
- Doug McMahon - 1996. Project: Youth sports rally for troubled city youth.
- Michael P. Sinna -1995. Project: Removed and installed ceiling tiles in hallways of St. John the Evangelist Grade School.
- Adam Huot - 1995. Project: Arranged entertainment and ice cream social for the elderly at Little Sisters of the Poor.
- Rick Petersen - 1994. Project: Delivered and decorated Christmas trees for several disadvantaged families.
- Rob Pertersen - 1994. Project: Built shelves for the Hmong community. Obtained and erected Christmas trees for disadvantaged families.
- Den McMahon - 1994. Project: Weekend camping trip for inner city disadvantaged youth.
- Steve Dojnik - 1993. Project: Removed, repainted St. John's Cemetary fence.
- Gabriel A. Sinna - 1993. Project: Removed and installed lockers in St. John the Evangelist School.
- David Lier -1993. Project: Refurbished and built a second lighted star for St. John the Evangelist Church's bell tower.
- Greg Huot - 1993. Project: Installed brick marquee for St. John the Evangelist Church.
- Bill Thomalla - 1991. Project: Refurbished hymnal holders in St. John the Evangelist Church.
- Scott Freeman - May 3, 1973.
- Ross Freeman - February 1, 1972.
- Craig Freeman - January 16, 1970.
- Roland J. Wells - November 15, 1968.