Senior Patrol Leader
Job description: The senior patrol leader is elected by the Scouts to represent them as the top junior leader in the troop.
Reponsible to: the Scoutmaster.
Senior patrol leader duties:
Runs all troop meetings, events, and activities
Runs the patrol leaders' council meeting
Appoints other troop junior leaders with the advice of the Scoutmaster
Assigns duties and responsibilities to junior leaders
Assists the Scoutmaster with junior leader training
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Job description: The assistant senior patrol leader is the second-highest-ranking junior leader in the troop. He is appointed by the senior patrol leader with the approval of the Scoutmaster. The assistant senior patrol leader acts as the senior patrol leader in the absence of the senior patrol leader or when called upon. He also provides leadership to other junior leaders in the troop.
Reponsible to: the senior patrol leader.
Assistant senior patrol leader duties:
Helps the senior patrol leader lead meetings and activities
Runs the troop in the absence of the senior patrol leader
Helps train and supervise the troop scribe, quartermaster, instructor, librarian, historian, and chaplain aide
Serves as a member of the patrol leaders' council
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Troop Order of the Arrow Representative
Job Description: The OA Representative provides service to troop and promotes camping.
Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
OA Representative duties:
Represents the Troop at Chapter meetings and Lodge activities
Notifies all Troop OA members of upcoming Lodge and Chapter events
Coordinates the Troop's OA elections
Serves as coordinator/facilitator of service projects within the Troop and OA
Promotes camping and high adventure activities
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout Spirit
Job description: The instructor teaches Scouting skills.
Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
Instructor duties:
Teaches basic Scouting skills in troop and patrols
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Job description: The quartermaster keeps track of troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order.
Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
Quartermaster duties:
Keeps records on patrol and troop equipment
Makes sure equipment is in good working condition
Issues equipment and makes sure it's returned in good condition
Makes suggestions for new or replacement items
Works with the troop committee member responsible for equipment
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Job description: The scribe keeps the troop records and records activities.Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
Scribe duties:
Attends and keeps a log of patrol leaders' council meetings
Records individual Scout attendance
Works with the troop committee member responsible for records
Describes special activities of scouts for the troop web site
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Job description: The librarian takes care of the troop library and literature.Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
Librarian duties:
Sets up and takes care of a troop library
Keeps records of books and pamphlets owned by the troop
Adds new or replacement items as needed
Keeps books and pamphlets available for borrowing
Keeps a system for checking books and pamphlets in and out
Follows up on late returns
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Job description: The historian keeps a historical record or scrapbook of troop activities.
Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
Historian duties:
Gathers pictures and facts about past troop activities and keeps them in a scrapbook which is included in the troop web site
Takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities
Keeps information about former members of the troop
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Chaplain Aide
Job description: The chaplain aide works with the troop chaplain to meet the religious needs of Scouts in the troop. He also works to promote the religious emblems program.
Reponsible to: the assistant senior patrol leader.
Chaplain aide duties:
Assists the troop chaplain with religious services at troop activities
Tells Scouts about the religious emblem program for their faith
Makes sure religious holidays are considered during troop program planning
Helps plan for religious observance in troop activities
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Troop Guide
Job description: The troop guide works with new Scouts. He helps them feel comfortable and earn their First Class rank in their first year.
Reponsible to: the assistant Scoutmaster for the new Scout patrol in the troop.Troop guide duties:
Introduces new Scouts to troop operations
Guides new Scouts through early Scouting activities
Shields new Scouts from harassment by older Scouts
Helps new Scouts earn First Class rank in their first year
Teaches basic Scout skills
Coaches the patrol leader of the new Scout patrol on his duties
Works with the patrol leader at patrol leaders' council meetings
Attends patrol leaders' council meetings with the patrol leader of the new Scout patrol
Assists the assistant Scoutmaster with training
Counsels individual Scouts on Scouting challenges
Sets a good example
Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Den Chief
Job description: The den chief works with the Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and den leaders in a Cub Scout pack.
Reponsible to: the den leader in the pack and the assistant Scoutmaster for the new Scout patrol in the troop.
Den chief duties:
Knows the purposes of Cub Scouting
Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks
Encourages Cub Scouts to join a Boy Scout troop upon graduation
Assists with activities in the den meetings Is a friend to the boys in the den Helps out at weekly den meetings and monthly pack meetings
Meets with adult members of the den, pack, and troop as necessary
Sets the example Wears the uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Patrol Leader
Job description: The patrol leader is the elected leader of his patrol. He represents his patrol on the patrol leaders' council.
Reponsible to: the senior patrol leader. If you're the patrol leader for the new Scout patrol, you'll also work with the troop guide who is assigned to your patrol.
Patrol leader duties:
Appoints the assistant patrol leader
Represents the patrol on the patrol leaders' council
Plans and steers patrol meetings
Helps Scouts advance Acts as the chief recruiter of new Scouts
Keeps patrol members informed
Knows what his patrol members and other leaders can do
Sets the example Wears the uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit
Assistant Patrol Leader
Job description: The assistant patrol leader is appointed by the patrol leader and leads the patrol in his absence.
Reponsible to: the patrol leader.
Assistant patrol leader duties:
Helps the patrol leader plan and steer patrol meetings and activities
Helps him keep patrol members informed
Helps the patrol get ready for all troop activities
Represents his patrol at patrol leaders' council meetings when the patrol leader cannot attend
Lends a hand controlling the patrol and building patrol spirit
Sets a good example
Wears the uniform correctly
Lives by the Scout Oath and Law
Shows Scout spirit