Tiger, Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts Uniform:
Right Sleeve
- Wear the U.S. flag, den numeral, and Centennial Quality Unit Award (if earned) as shown. Only the most recently earned Centennial Quality Unit Award may be worn.
Left Sleeve
- Wear the council shoulder emblem and pack numeral as shown.
- The veteran unit insignia bar (25, 50, 55, or 60 years), if worn, is centered and touching the council shoulder emblem (above) and unit numeral (below).
- Denner cord or assistant denner cord is worn over left shoulder.
Right Pocket
- Temporary insignia are not necessary in uniform inspection, but if worn, must be centered on the pocket, or hung from the button.
- Progress Toward Ranks (with thong and beads) is fastened to the button under the right pocket flap with the flap rebuttoned.
- The National Summertime Award is pinned centered on the right pocket flap.
- The Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award is worn on the right pocket flap. Each successive time the award is earned, a wolf track pin may be added to the flap.
Left Pocket
- Cub Scouts wear badges of rank as shown: Bobcat, Tiger Cub, Wolf, and Bear.
- Gold Arrow Points are worn beneath the pocket and below the badge for which they were earned.
- Silver Arrow Points are worn below the Gold Arrow Points in double rows.
- Wear medals just above the pocket seam, and service stars centered just above medals or knots, or 3/8 inch above seam if no medals are worn.
- Gold background disks are worn with service stars for Cub Scouting service, including Tiger Cub service.
- Not more than five medals may be worn.
- Wearing sequence for medals or knots is at the wearer’s discretion.
- The only knots worn by Cub Scouts are the religious emblem knot and a lifesaving or meritorious award knot.
- The World Crest is worn centered between the left shoulder seam and the top of the left pocket.
Webelos Uniform:
Right Sleeve
- Wear the U.S. flag, den numeral, and Centennial Quality Unit Award (if earned) as shown. Only the most recently earned Centennial Quality Unit Award may be worn.
- Webelos Scouts may wear the den emblem in place of the den numeral.
- If the pack elects, Webelos Scouts may wear the Webelos colors.
- Wear the Webelos colors immediately below and touching the U.S. flag if no den numeral is worn.
- If the den numeral is worn, wear colors below and touching the numeral (as shown).
- Wear activity badges on the colors if this option is elected.
Left Sleeve
- Wear the council shoulder emblem and pack numeral as shown.
- The veteran unit bar (25, 50, 55, or 60 years), if worn, is centered and touching the council shoulder emblem (above) and unit numeral (below).
- The denner cord or assistant denner cord is worn over the left shoulder.
Right Pocket
- Temporary insignia are not necessary in uniform inspection, but if worn, the insignia must be centered on the pocket, or hung from the button.
- The compass points emblem is positioned under the right pocket button, and the flap is buttoned to keep it in place.
- A metal compass point may be pinned to the emblem for each four activity badges earned subsequently until three compass points have been earned.
- The National Summertime Award is pinned centered on the right pocket flap.
- The Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award is worn on the right pocket flap.
- Each successive time the award is earned, a wolf track pin may be added to the flap.
- The recruiter strip is when centered below the right pocket.
Left Pocket
- Webelos Scouts have the option of wearing the oval-shaped Webelos badge by itself on the tan shirt only; or the diamond-shaped Webelos emblem along with other rank badges on either the tan or navy blue shirt; or if the Tiger Cub emblem was earned, the Webelos diamondshaped emblem may be worn on either the tan or navy blue shirt by itself and centered on the left pocket.
- The Arrow of Light Award is worn centered below the pocket of the tan shirt or centered at the top of the pocket flap of the navy blue or tan shirt.
- Wear medals just above the pocket seam.
- Wear service stars centered just above the medals or knots, or centered 3/8 inch above the seam if no medals are worn.
- Gold background disks are worn with service stars for Cub Scouting service, including Tiger Cub service.
- Not more than five medals may be worn.
- Wearing sequence for medals or knots is at the wearer’s discretion.
- The only knots worn by Cub Scouts are the religious emblem knot and a lifesaving or meritorious award knot.
- The World Crest is worn centered between the left shoulder seam and the top of the left pocket, as shown.
Official Boy Scout Uniform Option
- Webelos Scouts electing this option wear blue shoulder loops on the epaulets, Webelos neckerchief, and Webelos cap.
- The navy blue belt is worn with and will fit only the Webelos buckle.
- Academics and Sports belt loops will fit only on the navy blue belt.
- Badge placement is the same as for the navy blue uniform.