Besides monthly Den and Pack Meetings and events, Pack 76 takes part in a myriad of additional activities. - Campouts
We have two family campouts a year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The locations vary but the fun never stops. - Day Camps
Scout's enjoy a themed camp with various planned activities which my include: crafts, skits, songs, archery, BB guns and depending on the season - water sports and winter sports. Some of these camps are just one day, some are multiple nights. - Hiking
We have a monthly hiking program that Scouts and their families participate in. The Scouts earn miles that translate into milestone acheivement prizes. Parents and families get the health of a nice walk and the enjoyment of the fresh air. - Christmas Caroling
Each season we spend time at a senior center singing carols and this year, building ginger bread houses with the residents. Kids of all ages liked decorating (and eating) the houses with candies and frosting. The greatest way to brighten the lives of others. - Blue & Gold Dinner
The Annual banquet is one of the most important events of the year. It is a celebration of the founding of Scouting (February 1910), it is the birth month of the father of scouting Lord Baden-Powell and most important, it is the time when Webelos transition to Boy Scouts in a formal bridging ceremony that highlights their personal journey and acheivement through Cub Scouts. - Community Service
We give back to the community by organizing park clean-ups, food drives, winter coat drives, Toys for Tots, volunteering for causes and other charity events. - Pinewood Derby
One of the most well known Scout traditions and one of the more exciting days of the year. Scouts design, build and decorate their own race car in order to challenge their fellow scouts to a race down a timed track. There are prizes, awards and tons of laughs. - Sporting Events
The Council organizes "Scout Nights" with many local sporting teams where Scouts and their families enjoy discounted tickets and often other special discounts and activities. - Fundraising
All this fun comes with some responsibility and Scouts contribute to the Pack by selling popcorn and candy bars in the fall. These activities are what keep our dues lower than other packs in the area and allow us to do so much each year. |    |