Pack  | About Scouting |  | Cub Scouting is a family and home centered part of the Boy Scouts Of America program that helps develop ethical decision-making skills for boys in kindergarten through 5th grades (approx 6-10 yrs old). Activities vary according to age, but include activities to build shared leadership, character development, citizenship training, sportsmanship, and personal fitness in a fun environment. | | What is a Pack and a Den? |  | A Pack is the entire collection of boys in Pack 205. Currently, there are about 75 boys registered in Pack 205 (about 40% of the boys enrolled at Nut Swamp School). A Den is a collection of approximately 4 to 10 boys at the same level. For example, there maybe 2 or 3 Dens at a particular level, such as Wolf Cubs. Although Tiger Cubs groups are somewhat like Dens, they are called Groups. There is a set of volunteer parents that help organize the Pack, led by the Cubmaster and the Committee Chairperson. Each Den has a Den Leader. The Tiger Cubs will have leaders of the Groups that act more informally than the Den Leaders. The Tiger Cubs have a Tiger Cub Coach that helps make sure the communication keeps flowing. | Are there uniforms? Do I need to buy a lot of stuff? |  | Whether you are a Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear or Webelos you will need the same items to get started: a book, a uniform & a fun loving attitude. The Book: You will need to purchase the appropriate book for your rank. This will guide you throughout the year's activities. By following the book you will be able to easily earn your next badge, awards, arrow points, medals, etc. Scout books have a huge amount of information for the cub & his family. As a mom or dad, you will find yourself using the book as much as your son. You will reach for it as a guide, a place for ideas during rainy days or a way to learn how to do something new. The Uniform: The uniform can be purchased at any authorized scout shop. Monmouth Council has the best supply for all your scouting needs. They are a national distribution center for scouting supplies. |  | Morganville Scout Shop 705 Ginesi Drive Morganvile, NJ 07751 Tel: (732) 536-1208 Visit monmouthbsa.org for directions & hours | Bob’s Uniforms Route 35 in Union Square Tel: (732) 530-1212 | |  | The uniform: - Shirt (we recommend short sleeves)
- Belt
- World Crest Emblem
- Monmouth Council shoulder patch
- Pack 205 Patch
- Den numeral strip (once they know their den #)
- Neckerchief Slide
|  | You do not need to purchase a neckerchief. The boys may wear navy shorts or pants with their uniform. Pack 205 hats can be purchased at the monthly Pack Meetings. Fun Loving Attitude: This is important for the cubs but let’s not forget the parents. You & your son will have a chance to spend great times together. You will work on projects together, learn new things from one another, study history, explore your religion & visit exciting places!!! Best of all you will have a great forum to speak to one another about many different topics. See our Related Links page for more places you can buy uniforms and other stuff your scout will need. | | What does it cost? |  | There is a $87 annual Registration Fee, which includes $33 BSA registration fee, $12 BSA insurance fee, $10 for the Pack t-shirt and $32 for Pack 205 to cover awards, supplies, and other fees. We also suggest that you subscribe to Boys Life magazine, which is $12 for 12 issues. This is optional. | | The Ranks of Cub Scouting |  | Tiger Cubs - 1st Grade | | Wolf Scouts - 2nd Grade |  | |  |  | |  | Tiger Cubs is an entry level into Cub Scouts. The Tiger Cubs are divided up into groups and they meet once or twice a month at either a house or a designated place, such as a park, bowling alley, etc. A packet of information is provided which includes a guide for the parents and a set of iron-on decals that can be put on the Tiger Cubs' shirt. The Tiger Cubs come to the Pack meetings to have fun and observe the older cubs. In short, Tiger Cubs is a great way to get exposed to Scouting. | | The Wolf Cubs begin to wear a uniform and earn advancements towards their Wolf badge. In Wolf Cubs, the cubs are grouped into Dens. Usually one of the parents acts as the Den leader and helps the boys work on their advancements. |  | |  | Bear Scouts - 3rd Grade | | Weblos - 4th & 5th Grade |  | |  |  | |  | In the 3rd grade, the boys enter Bear Cubs. The boys continue to wear the same uniform and are usually in the same Den. New cubs are enrolled in a Den and must first work on their Bobcat badge. In Bear Cubs, there are more requirements. Once the requirements are satisfied, the boys earn their Bear Badge. | | Once again, new cubs must earn their Bobcat badge. The requirements in Webelos are more difficult and more oriented to camping and the outdoors. The activities are geared towards helping prepare the boys for Boy Scouts. During the 5th grade, the boys "cross over" to Boy Scouts. | |  |