Becoming an Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting. In order to earn your Eagle Scout Rank, you must have progression through all of the ranks, earn merit badges, and complete other various leadership roles and services.
Eagle Scout Rank
To earn the rank, a Boy Scout must:
Progress through the ranks in the following order:
- Tenderfoot
- Second Class
- First Class
- Star
- Life
- Eagle?
Earn 21 merit badges, including:
- First Aid
- Citizenship in the Community
- Citizenship in the Nation
- Citizenship in the World
- Communications
- Cooking
- Environmental Science
- Personal Fitness
- Camping
- Family Life
- Personal Management
- Emergency Preparedness or Lifesaving
- Cycling, Hiking, or Swimming
Serve six months in a Troop leadership position.
Plan, develop, and give leadership to a service project for any religious organization or any school or community.
Take part in a Scoutmaster conference.
Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review.
* Boy Scouts with disabilities may qualify for the Eagle Scout rank by fulfilling alternative requirements as determined by the Council.
Eagle Scout Information & Forms
Click here for additional Eagle Scout Scholarships.
Click here to be directed to the National Eagle Scout Association website.
Questions? Contact Carrie Lehner at (920) 734-5705 x121 or email