How do I sign up?
Application Process: - Contact us using the "Contact our Pack" link on the top menu bar, we'll let you know when we are meeting next
- At that meeting, fill out the membership application form and submit to Pack with check payable to Pack 1385
When Boys would start: - For current registrations, the Boys would officially become a Cub Scout as soon as their application is processed at the National Capital Area Council - generally in only a few weeks time - at which point they begin to receive "Boy's Life".
They are able to participate in any Scout camp or Pack activities immediately. Registration Fees: Dues: Dues Covers: - Scout Rank Book @ Graduation (end of May/early June Pack event)
- All Rank Badges and Pack patches
- Academic and Sports belt loops and pins (only up to 10 - additional belt loops and pins must be paid by the individual)
- Pinewood Derby car, participation patch and trophies
- To help offset a portion of some Pack Events
* Note: Scout families are expected to participate in Pack Fundraisers in order to help offset the costs of belt loops, patches and pins and other program activities. Fundraising goals are set per boy in accordance with the program budget established by the Pack Committee designed to support Committee approved Pack activities. A portion of fundraising efforts are earmarked for the individual boy to be used at his discretion for camp, additional unfunded awards, den dues, and/or fees for activities not covered by the Pack program budget. Other Typical Costs throughout the year: - Den Dues (as determined by the Den - used to offset specific Den needs)
- Family Campouts: $22.50 per person (a budget estimate, mainly for food)
- Blue & Gold Banquet: $10 per person (a budget estimate, mainly for food)
- Scout Uniform: Northern Virginia Scout Shop is located at: 5234 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22151, (703) 321-4836, but consult with Pack leaders as to what exactly you should buy at a minimum. Detailed uniform information is provided on each age group's web page
- Select individual awards, den patches and belt loops
- Summer Day Camp (optional): $200 (approximate) (early bird registration discounts are available)
- District Activities: varies, approximately $10/activity
- Pack Field Trips: varies depending on activity (often offered at a discount for Scouts)