Each scout belongs to a Den. The den is led by a volunteer Den Leader who has taken on the responsibility of organizing theprogram. This leader relies heavily on the adult partners to fulfill theprogram goals by participating with their tiger cub. An adult partner can be aparent, relative, or friend who is at least 18 years old and who cares aboutthe youth. Adult partners should take turns working with the den leader to planand lead a den meeting and "Go See It" outing.
Your scout is part of a Pack. The Pack is runby a Cubmaster. The pack will have lion, tiger, wolf, bear, and Webelo’s densmade up of youth from Kindergarten through 5th grade. After 5th grade, Webelo’sgraduate on to a Scout BSA Troop. The Pack holds a monthly meeting where youhave recognition ceremonies, skits, songs, and announcements of upcoming packevents.
The Pack is supported by a Pack Committee, allvolunteers. There is a Pack Committee Chairman and other pack committeemembers. Most pack committees consist of family members and members of the pack’s-charteredorganization. The chartered organization is granted a charter by the Boy Scoutsof America to use the Scouting program. This chartered organization can be aschool, service club, religious group, or other group interested in youth. Thechartered organization approves the leadership of the pack, provides a meetingplace, and operates the pack within the guidelines and policies of thatorganization and the BSA.
Packs in your area are organized into a District basedon geographic boundaries determined by the local Council. At the districtlevel, summer camps, day camps, leader roundtables, and other events areplanned. The district supports units through membership, finance, and programservices. Your unit has a District Executive and that person helps your packand dens get help and resources it needs.
Districts are grouped into a Council. A councilis responsible for growing a successful scouting program in its locality. ACouncil owns camp property and runs summer camps. It also offers fundraisingprograms, adult training, and service projects to support the pack and troopunits.
Councils in a geographic area are grouped into Areas ofwhich there are 26 in the country. Each area director works with 10 to15 councils.The area director maintains contact with the Scout Executive in a council andprovides support as needed.
Areas are grouped into Regions of whichthere are 4 in the country. Regional management centers are liaisons betweencouncils and the National Council. A region provides direct support to itscouncils in the areas of fund raising, program, computers, and administration.Regional offices provide direct support services to Area Directors.
BSA National Council, locatedin Irving, Texas, is the governing body of the scouting program in the UnitedStates. They set policy, offer national awards, organize national jamborees,have 3 high-adventure camps, and define the scouting program.