Starting the path to the Tiger Cub Rank, a scout first earns the Bobcat badge - this is the first step for all Cub Scouts.
But, a Tiger Cub will really earn his Tiger Cub Totem first because its requirements are very simple and it gives him something tangible to receive at the first pack meeting, even if he did not complete all the Bobcat requirements. The Tiger Cub Totem requirements are:
- Learn the Cub Scout Motto
- Learn the Cub Scout Sign
- Learn the Cub Scout Salute
The Tiger Cub badge is presented to boys who have completed all 15 parts of the five separate achievements - five Family activities, five Den activities, and five Go See It outings. Once a boy, or all the boys in a den, earn their Tiger Cub badge, it should be presented to the scout's adult partner at a pack meeting, who then presents it to the boy.
The den activities and Go See It events should be completed with the entire den. Attendance at den events is important - for both the scout and adult partner. Of course, if a scout has a conflict with a den event, he can perform that activity with his adult partner at some other time.