| To enroll your son in Pack 2, Go to beascout.org and do the following: 1) scroll down and search for "cub scout units in your area" 2) on the next page, click on the cub scout icon over our packs' location (Dunns Corners). 3) in the window that opens for Pack 2, click on "Apply Now" This will take you to a new window with information on how to apply online for new scouts. Once the online application is complete, the Pack leadership will receive a notice from the on-line system to confirm acceptance of the new application. Payment is also taken care of through the on-line system. |
Scouting is fun and helps the youth of America with school. Read the attached article at the bottom of this page to learn more. | Contact our Pack by using the Contact Our Pack link above for the date and time of our next meeting or activity. There we can welcome your son to our Pack! Due to the current COVID situation, new scouts and families will need to complete Medical Forms A and B and COVID Release Waiver prior to participating in your first in-person meeting. |
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The BSA and Tufts University study what participating in Scouting does for our youth. Can it make them better citizens, leaders, caring adults? Read the attached powerpoint at the bottom of this page to learn more. | Parents! ... |
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| The success of our Pack also depends on you, the parent! We encourage all parents to get involved either thru leadership as a Den Leader, Assistant Den Leader or Pack Committee Member, or by volunteering as an Activity Coordinator or Ass't Activity Coordinator to one of our Pack Activities. The activity roles are more minor single occurrence, so if you would like to help out with this, you need not do anything other than to inform us! If you would like to take on a more formal or full-time volunteer position, of a leader or committee member, that would be great! Let us know and please do the following: |
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| (1) Download and complete the Adult Application. |
| (2) Download and complete Medical Forms A and B |
| (3) Download and complete the Parent Talent Survey |
| (4) Register yourself at the BSA Website, take the applicable training course(s), and print out the training certificates when you are completed. |
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 | Our Pack believes in building the framework for success in all aspects to the lives of our young boys. Your contribution to volunteer adds to this effort. The more parents contribute, the lighter the load, the better the Pack, the greater the impact, and the more your son will benefit from Scouting. |