
SPECIAL NOTE: Our 6th Annual Klondike 2018 is scheduled for Feb. 16-18!
Council strongly suggests at least a $50 deposit on all cabin reservations to help us secure the entire camp (again)
Welcome to the planning page for Troop 247's 6th Annual
Broadcreek Memorial Scout Reservation
PATCHES: "The" Patch is now a standard with the annual "rockers" for each year. WE MIGHT have some rockers left over from previous years if you've attended and would like to purchase them.
Klondike History:
In 1869, approximately 100,000 prospectors headed into the Yukon region of Canada after gold was discovered. To reach their claims, prospectors used sleds and dogs to haul their gear. Although more than 100,000 people flocked to the area, only about 4,000 actually struck gold and while some became wealthy, most made the trip in vain. The Klondike Gold Rush only lasted for 3 years, around which time, gold was discovered in Nome, Alaska and many of the surviving prospectors fled the Yukon region to find their fortunes elsewhere.
Since 1949, BSA Scout troops have been running a "Klondike Derby" every winter in the spirit of the Yukon Gold Rush.
In 2012, Troop 247 and several other troops decided to join forces to relive the Klondike event. Each attending troop has an "ownership stake" in planning & running stations. With Scouts to pull, and sleds in tow, brave scout patrols set out to test their navigational skills as they venture from "town" to "town" in search of the golden nuggets. Like the 100,000 who went before them, only 1 group will leave with the gold, but everyone will leave richer!
HOW it works...
Each patrol will come to camp with a sled and the gear listed in the "Gear" section below. On Saturday morning, right after the opening flag ceremony, patrols will dispatch along different courses, orienteering their way to the towns on their map. At each town they will announce themselves (patrol yells) and be graded by the town mayor (Scouters) who will measure and grade them on a variety of factors from Scout Spirit to hands-on Scout Skills as they complete each challenge. At the end of the day, scores will be tallied and at the evening Council Fire, the winning Patrol will be announced and will gain 1 year's possession of the covenanted KLONDIKE TROPHY and an engraved name plate for the winning Patrol.
This is a PATROL-CENTRIC event and offers each patrol a chance to "show their stuff" for fun and friendly-competition. The schedule permits up to TWENTY patrols to participate, so when the roster is full... it's full.

EACH PATROL participating in the Derby will need to come to camp with a Klondike Sled already built (or ready-to-go by 8 AM on Saturday). Building the sled will be a GREAT patrol-building event, and we recommend allowing a full Saturday morning or afternoon for construction. Cheap/used skis are usually available at used sporting goods stores and other outlets like Goodwill and Salvation Army stores. Internet sites like Craigslist may also be helpful, but please leave ALL internet communications to the adult leaders.
When it comes to Klondike Sleds, "lighter" is "better". The design offered here is RECOMMENDED, but as with all things "Scouting", there is great artistic freedom allowed. YOU WILL BE HAULING GEAR and at least 1 person inside your sled at some point throughout the day, so build/size it accordingly.
Please visit the site linked below for a design that has worked well for us in the past (pictured above). Once the sled is made, we recommend adding approximately 30' of rope tied to the front as reins for the "sled dogs" to pull.

In addition to the sled, EACH PATROL is to have the following gear in their sled at the start of the Derby:
1. FOOD (menu of their choosing) to make lunch for their entire patrol while on the trail. It must be a "one pot recipe" that requires cooking on a camp stove
2. Camp Stove & propane tank (smaller is better)
3. Cookware for cooking lunch plus cooking utensils for food preparation & cleanup.
4. Patrol Flag & flag pole (judged on design, height, and scout skills used in construction)
5. Ropes, spires, etc needed to erect a Patrol Flagpole (using lashings of their choosing) on the main parade field
6. Patrol First Aid kit with bandages OR personal first aid kits for each member (see below)
We will not list clothing specifically, but it is expected that all scouts will come properly dressed for the expected weather, including proper foot gear, hat, and gloves. Please monitor the weather & weather reports and dress appropriately.
7. Day Pack with typical gear for day hiking (sun block, water, emergency whistle, pocket knife, rain gear, etc)
8. Compass (with base plate)
9. Water bottle / canteen
10. Eating utensils (for lunch)
11. Scout Handbook
12. AT YOUR RISK - phone/camera to take pictures and record the day's events!
This information was discussed and agreed upon with all Scoutmasters at the planning meeting on December 29th @ 7 PM.
There will be a total of 10 stations which equates to a FULL DAY of events and activities. There will be a break for lunch and dinner, then all attendees muster again for a Scouts Own prayer service and a Council Fire where the winner will be announced along with any notable high-achievers.
Scouts (by patrol) will have a set time to complete the tasks of each station and will rotate on scheduled times so that everyone gets to participate at each station in an orderly fashion.
Units assigned to each station will manage that station so that 2 Patrols can complete the work within the set time period. That means a "short" activity, or the ability to simultaneously accommodate 2 patrols at the same time.
EVENTS (in no particular order and vary from year to year):
Starting point & Sled Inspection Scout Spirit & Orienteering
Lashings to erect Patrol flag pols Lashings & Teamwork
Tomahawk Throw A true Pioneer experience (and fun!)
Rifle Range Rifle Shooting (applicable to Merit Badge work)
Pulley Systems Learn the science behind Pulleys
2 man saw & log splitting Toten Chip & teamwork
Semaphores Learn & Practice the classic long-distance communication with flags
Team building puzzle/riddle Team building & Leadership
Orienteering & First Aid Map & Compass, First Aid, Team building & Leadership
Estimating height & distance Height and distance measuring, Orienteering skills
Search & Rescue First aid, knot tying, Search & Rescue
Slalom Race Fun, team building exercise
Fire Building One of the most useful survival skills of all time!
Knot Tying Classic Scout skill and rank advancement requirement
Matchless Fire Starting More than "fire building" through exploring various ways to start fires without matches
With the number of patrols we have attending, we will ensure all have a chance to access each station by rotation on a set time table. Scouts are not to venture away from their set stations until instructed to do so by the "Town Mayors".
Pioneers (Scouts) will be paid in golden nuggets at a rate commensurate with their Scouting skills as judged by "Town Mayors" running the stations. All patrols will hand in their gold nuggets at the end of the day where they will be tallied. The Patrol with the most nuggets will be declared the winner at the Saturday Night Council fire and gets to keep the Klondike Sled Trophy (engraved with their patrol name & year) until next year's event.
Friday afternoon-
- All troops check-in at the Ranger's cabin (as you would for ANY camping) ROSTERS ARE REQUIRED by BCMSR.
- Friday 8 PM - SM & SPL meeting & Cracker Barrel @ Rangers'
Cabin (this location may change. IF so, emails will be sent in
Saturday -
- 8:00 AM - Flag Raising & Patrol Reports - All troops/patrols
to be on main parade ground with sleds. We WILL start on time!
- 8:15 AM - All Patrols will erect a patrol flag in the parade field and will receive a MAP and a starting location
- 8:45 AM - Patrols will embark on their journey!
- Noon - All patrols will stop where they are and prepare & eat their lunch. There will be fires ALREADY burning at each Town for those patrols who need a bed of hot cooking coals.
- 4:45 PM - Gather for Flag Lowering - All Patrols muster for flag lowering and turning in their golden nuggets and retrieve Patrol flags.
- 5:00 PM - Mayors turn in score sheets on the Parade Field
- 7:15 PM - ALL camp attendees gather at Fire Ring for Scouts Own service, followed by Council Fire, trophy ceremony, then Scout Vespers
- ??? PM - After Vespers, Scoutmasters meet for "Roses, Buds, and Thorns" review of the day's events
The Scouts are preparing their own one-pot meal for lunch on Saturday.
We recommend "troop cooking" for all other meals so that the boys can
focus their time on completing the Derby Program.
ADULT MEALS - Your troop is free to make their own lunches at your
respective camp sites for attending adults.
As a reminder, each troop is paying for their own camp site(s) but
COMMON fees (fire pit, supplies, materials, patches, lunch, etc) are
being split among the units. PLEASE BRING A BLANK CHECK (or cash) to
the SM/SPL meeting on Friday night where a breakdown of expenses will be
3" round patch (same every year) can be purchased for each Scout attending his first Klondike ($3.50)
Annual "rocker" - surrounds the 3" patch and shows annual participation and can be purchased for each attendee ($2)
Town Mayors will be provided with radios for communication throughout the day, including the "call to rotate" on set times.
There will be a licensed Doctor on staff at the Health Lodge during this event (Friday night until Sunday Morning).

NOT a "District Event":
The Dulaney District does NOT sponsor this event. This event is being held in joint cooperation of all the participating groups and each Scoutmaster/Unit is responsible for collecting/managing all health forms, permission slips, BSA Tour Permits, etc for his respective Scout Unit and/or Patrols. Although Troop 247 leaders have taken the lead in organizing the day's events, they do not assume responsibility or liability for any injuries that result from your voluntary participation in these typical Scouting activities. Each Unit's leadership assumes the liability for the conduct of their respective members, including but not limited to any damage done to BMCR property, just as they would if camping independent of the other troops who happen to be participating in this event. BSA insurance continues to cover all properly registered BSA members.
All activities planned for this event are in adherence with the BSA's Guide to Safe Scouting; however the agenda of events does involve traversing the trails of Broadcreek and attempting to overcome physical obstacles/challenges. We regret that we do not have alternative activities at this event for special-needs or immobilized scout members (if applicable). Several stations will be accessible off of paved roads and we leave it to the discretion of each Scoutmaster to determine which events are appropriate for his respective members. Skill level for virtually all event challenges are intended to encompass rank requirements from Scout through 1st Class.
Troop 247, in accordance with BMSR and BSA policies, will staff the rifle station with NRA-trained and/or BSA-trained range officers. There will be ZERO tolerance for unsafe conduct on any of the shooting-sport ranges.
As an added convenience, Troop 247 will have a licensed medical doctor on site and will establish a First Aid station for the comfort and safety of everyone attending the Saturday derby. Scoutmasters are asked to bring medical forms and/or permission slips to the First Aid post - OR - be cellphone accessible throughout the day. Any treated injury will require a report being filed with District/Council.
This event will have costs associated with it relating to custom patches, station materials, and gun/archery range fees imposed by BMSR. Once we get a head count from all participating units, we will be able to calculate how much needs to be collected to cover the expenses (not including individual unit expenses for sleds, food, camp, etc).
The adult leadership/chaperons from each participating troop are expected to contribute to the staffing of the individual "towns" and challenge stations. These arrangements are made IN ADVANCE with Jeff Currier and Paul Napoli (ASMs T-247).
Each Patrol is to offer a SKIT or SONG, and a CHEER for the Council Fire. At the fire, patrol names will be drawn from a hat to select the patrol that will represent their troop. There will not be time for a skit from every patrol, though every patrol should "be prepared" in case their name is drawn. Members should be prepared to offer their skit on demand when selected. All members of all troops are expected to attend the Council Fie as well as the flag raising/lowering on Saturday.