We don't require your Cub to be outfitted from head to toe in blue and gold. Considering how fast they grow and the financial strain it would be to keep up, that would be too much to ask of anyone.
However, we do want our young boys to learn the importance and pride involved in the uniform. At Pack 281, we would like our Cubs to have, at a minimum a "Class A" shirt, the blue, short-sleeved shirt and a belt. The hat, neckerchief and slide are nice additions, but those change with each rank.
In addition to the shirt, the Central Florida Council patch, the red "281" patches, purple "World Scout Crest" emblem and "Den Number" patch are needed. I would suggest getting the shirts a little large, to give the boys a chance to grow into it, and save you a little money.
Each rank also has an accompanying handbook, which contains the activities your scout will need to accomplish before moving on to the next rank.
We also have Pack 281 t-shirts for sale (Class B). We use these for less-formal occasions, like the trail clean-ups and camping.
The Class A and handbooks can be purchased online at:
http://www.scoutstuff.org/There are also a few Scout Shops in our area:
http://www.cflscouting.org/CouncilInfo/ScoutShop/tabid/208/Default.aspxAnd one more in Jacksonville: