
Each scout and his parent or guardian is encouraged to read and understand this information. Please contact the Cubmaster or a member of the Pack Committee if you have any questions.
Cub scouts should foster self-esteem while teaching cooperation and the meaning of healthy competition through games, crafts, sport, skill building, recognition, special activities and lots of fun. Cub scouting is a family activity.
When a boy joins the pack, parents often wonder what they should do to help. Well, here is a list that another group across the country came up with and it seems like a real good start!
1. See that he has the proper uniform and handbook. (Pack 3390 does not require you to purchase uniform pants or socks. We do recommend a short-sleeve uniform shirt instead of a long-sleeve uniform shirt. Uniform Insignia Requirements)
2. Assist him in attending weekly Den meeting and monthly Pack meetings.
3. Work with him to complete achievements for his rank award.
4. Return information forms and permission slips as asked.
5. Support his Den Leader as a resource person or substitute if asked.
6. Agree to serve in some leadership capacity for the pack as called upon.
7. Provide input to the Den Leader or Pack leadership with regard to Pack or Den programming.
Safety requires that inappropriate behavior be curtailed. All Pack 3390 leaders share the charge of enforcing discipline. Like Marines, we are looking for a few good scouts. This does not mean that we do not accept boys whose behavior is less than ideal; however, when boys are involved in scouting activities, they are expected to behave in accordance with the Scout law.
It takes more than a Cubmaster and committee for a pack to function well. Everyone must prioritize what is important in his or her lives. The scout will be responsible for managing his time between scouting and other activities, such as athletics. Without the active involvement of parents and guardians, the best plans can dissolve. Do you have something to give the pack? Do you have a skill that you can share? Often we find the same person doing these jobs over and over. We need your help. Simply put, please do not wait to be asked; VOLUNTEER.
Scouting is not inexpensive. Everyone benefits when the pack has a treasury that makes scouting affordable for all. The pack committee knows and respects the busy lives of parents and for this reason we minimize the amount of time that is required of you to participate in fund raising. We hope you agree that the benefit to the pack and your son is worth this commitment to your son. Leaders devote much effort to fund raising, so please do your part by generously giving of your time when asked.
Pack 3390 conducts only one fundraiser per year – popcorn sales. Our goal is for each scout to sell at least $200 in popcorn. There are a number of great prizes for scouts who sell popcorn. Details will be shared at the September and October pack meetings.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. The pack wrote these policies with the intent that they might help prevent surprises regarding what is expected. Our hope is that you and your son will be as committed to scouting as we are and that his scouting experience with Pack 3390 will be outstanding.