Academics & Sports Program
While there are many achievement and awards programs offered by Scouting, the Academics & Sports Program is one of the most popular and common for boys.
Cub Scouts of all levels from Tiger Cub to Webelos II can participate in the Cub Scouts Academics and Sports Programs earning belt loops and pins along the way. The 23 sports activities and 17 academic activities can be completed as an individual, in a den or as a pack. Only two belt loops can not be earned on a den or pack level (Archery and BB Gun Shooting). These two loops must be earned at an organized event, such as Cub Scout Day or Resident Camps, with a certified instructor. Cub Scouts participating in school sporting activities may use them to earn the corresponding belt loops. 
Belt Loops are earned after complete an average of 3 requirements. Sports Loops are silver, Academic Loops are Gold. The highly convented Archery and BB Gun Shooting Loops are Brass Colored. 
Pins are earned in each activity by completing 5 to 6 more difficult requirements than the average of 3 required to earn the belt loop. Belt Loop Information
On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.
 BobcatNo matter what age or grade a boy joins Cub Scouting, he must earn his Bobcat badge before he can advance to the rank of Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, or Webelos. A boy must complete the Bobcat requirements, which include: - Learn and say the Cub Scout motto, the Cub Scout Promise, and the Law of the Pack and tell what they mean;
- Show the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake and tell what they mean; and
- Show that you understand and believe that it is important to be honest and trustworthy.
 Tiger Cub To begin his path to the Tiger Cub rank, the Tiger Cub (age 7) must learn the Cub Scout promise, the Cub Scout sign, and the Cub Scout salute. When he has learned these, he gets his Tiger Cub emblem, which is a tiger paw with four strings for beads. He wears the emblem on his right pocket. As a boy finishes each part of the five Tiger Cub achievements, he earns an orange bead (for den activities), a white bead (for family activities), or a black bead (for "Go See Its"). When the boy has earned five beads of each color, he can receive his Tiger Cub badge. The Tiger Cub badge is given to the boy's adult partner at a pack meeting. Then, during a grand ceremony, the adult gives the badge to the boy.
Wolf The Wolf rank is for boys who have finished first grade (or who are 8 years old). To earn the Wolf badge, a boy must pass 12 achievements. His parent or guardian approves each achievement by signing his book. When the boy has met all requirements, the Wolf badge is presented to his parent or guardian at the next pack meeting. During an impressive ceremony, the parent or guardian then presents the badge to the boy. After he has earned the Wolf badge, a Wolf Cub Scout can work on the 23 Wolf electives until he finishes second grade (or turns 9 years old). He can choose from more than 100 elective projects that may show him new hobbies and teach him skills that will be useful during his Boy Scout years. When he completes 10 elective projects, he earns a Gold Arrow Point to wear under the Wolf badge. For each 10 elective projects after that, he earns a Silver Arrow Point.
 BearThe Bear rank is for boys who have finished second grade (or are 9 years old). There are 24 Bear achievements in four groups. A boy must complete 12 of the achievements to be a Bear Cub Scout. These requirements are harder and more challenging than those for the Wolf badge. When a boy has earned his Bear badge, he may work on electives to earn Arrow Points to wear under his Bear badge.
Webelos Webelos dens are for boys who have completed third grade (or reached age 10). The Webelos den program is different from the Cub Scout den program. Everything in the Webelos Scout program is more challenging than what younger boys in the pack do. Webelos Scouts get to work on the 20 Webelos activity badges:
Physical Skills - Aquanaut
- Athlete
- Fitness
- Sportsman
Mental Skills - Artist
- Scholar
- Showman
- Traveler
| Community - Citizen
- Communicator
- Family Member
- Readyman
Technology - Craftsman
- Engineer
- Handyman
- Scientist
| Outdoor Activity - Forester
- Geologist
- Naturalist
- Outdoorsman
|  Webelos Scouts work on requirements during their weekly den meetings. Once a boy learns a skill, he practices it at den meetings and at home on his own. His family helps him at home. Webelos Scouts bring the projects they do at home to the den meetings to show others, and to have the Webelos den leader approve their projects. When a boy has done the requirements for an activity badge, the Webelos den leader or activity badge counselor, rather than a parent, approves most of the activity badges. It takes three activity badges, including Fitness and Citizen, to earn the Webelos badge. Besides earning activity badges, Webelos Scouts can earn the compass points emblem. This emblem is awarded after a Webelos Scout has earned seven activity badges. For each four activity badges a Webelos Scout earns after that, he receives a compass point—east, west, north, and south.
Arrow of Light The highest rank in Cub Scouting is the Arrow of Light Award. Earning this rank prepares a Webelos Scout to become a Boy Scout. Webelos Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light Award have also completed all requirements for the Boy Scout badge.  This award is one of only a few Cub Scout awards that can be worn on the Boy Scout uniform when a boy graduates into a troop. Adult leaders who earned the Arrow of Light Award when they were young may also show their achievement by wearing a special square knot on their adult uniform.

Religious Emblems for Cub Scouts
"A Scout is reverent." All Scouts show this by being faithful in their duty to God. Some go further and give special service. This can qualify them for a religious emblem. Such an emblem is not a Scouting award. It is conferred on a Scout by his religious leader. Each faith has its own requirements for earning its emblem. Listed below are the TIGER CUB, CUB SCOUT, AND WEBELOS SCOUT emblems and where to find out about them. Before writing or visiting your local council service center, check with your religious leader. (Unless indicated otherwise below, awards listed may be earned by both Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts, but not by Tiger Cubs) These groups (and others) also offer religious emblems for older youth. For information on the awards available to Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and/or Explorers, Click here. Many of the awards are shown in the chart at the bottom of the page. Click here to go to the Chart. Most of the awards consist of bar pins, ribbons, and pendants, and are worn on the uniform above the left pocket on formal occasions. In addition, the Religious Emblem Square knot, shown at the top of this page, may be worn on the uniform over the left pocket by youth or adults who earned any of the religious awards. One or more miniature devices are affixed to the knot to indicate which level(s) of the award was earned. For more information on the Youth Religious Emblem square knot patch, Click here. For information on the devices which are attached to the knot, Click here. The following faiths or denominations have religious awards for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and/or Webelos Scouts: Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Anglican Parishes Association 800 Timothy Road Athens, GA 30606 706-546-6910 |  | Department of Youth and Education Diocese of the Armenian Church of America 630 Second Avenue New York, NY 10016 212-686-0710 |  | Baha'i UNITY OF MANKIND (Levels 1 And 2) Baha'i National Center Education and Schools Office 1233 Central Street Evanston, IL 60201-1611 847-733-3492 |  | Baptist GOD AND ME (Tiger Cub and Cub Scout) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scout) Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | National Buddhist Committee on Scouting 415 42nd Ave San Mateo, CA 94403 650-574-4527 FAX: 408-756-3288 e-mail: victor.iwamura@sbcglobal.net |  | Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | LDS Relationships - BSA 15 West South Temple, Suite 1070 Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1531 801-530-0004 |  | Churches of Christ LOVING SERVANT (Cub Scout) JOYFUL SERVANT (Webelos Scout) Members of the Churches of Christ for Scouting ACU Station Box 27938 Abilene, Texas 79699-7938 915-674-3739 |  | Community of Christ GOD AND ME (Cub Scouts - contact P.R.A.Y.) LIGHT OF THE WORLD (Webelos Scouts) Scouting Liason Forefront Ministries 1001 West Walnut Independence, MO 64050 816-833-1000 or 800-825-2806, ext. 1374 |  | Eastern Catholic LIGHT OF CHRIST (Tiger Cubs and Wolf Cub Scouts) PARVULI DEI (Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts Local council service center, diocesan Scout office, or National Catholic Committee on Scouting 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving, TX 75015-2079 972-580-2114 |  | Eastern Orthodox SAINT GEORGE (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) CHI RHO (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center, Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Episcopal GOD AND ME (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Chairman Boy Scouts Relations Committee General Church of the New Jerusalem P.O. Box 277 Bryn Athyn PA 19009 215-938-2542 | (No image available) | North American Hindu Association 847 E. Angela St Pleasanton, CA 94566 925-846-3811 |  | National Islamic Committee on Scouting P. O. Box 857 Edison, NJ 08818 866-786-8181 islamicbsa@aol.com |  | Local council service center, National Jewish Committee on Scouting, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Lutheran GOD AND ME (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center, National Lutheran Association of Scouters, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Meher Baba LOVE FOR GOD (Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts) Committee for Meher Baba and Scouting 912 Ninth Avenue South North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582 843-272-3498 |  | Local council service center P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Mr. Richard Daum 11 Everette Place Wayne, NJ 07470 973-694-9457 |  | Presbyterian Church in America GOD AND ME (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) GOD AND ME (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center, National Association of Presbyterian Scouters, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Local council service center Religious Society of Friends, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Roman Catholic LIGHT OF CHRIST (Tiger Cubs and Wolf Cub Scouts) PARVULI DEI (Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts Local council service center, diocesan Scout office, or National Catholic Committee on Scouting 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving, TX 75015-2079 972-580-2114 |  | The Salvation Army GOD AND ME (Cub Scouts - contact P.R.A.Y.) SILVER CREST and GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) The Salvation Army P.O. Box 269 Alexandria, VA 22313 Eastern Territory: 914-620-7427 Central Territory: 847-294-2112 Southern Territory: 404-728-1363 Western Territory: 310-544-6434 |  | Unitarian-Universalist RELIGION AND ME (Cub Scouts) RELIGION AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Unitarian-Universalist Scouters Organization, Inc. Michael P. Healy 847 Washington Street Holliston MA 01746 |  | United Church of Christ GOD AND ME (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | United Methodist GOD AND ME (Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts) GOD AND FAMILY (Webelos Scouts) Local council service center, National Association of United Methodist Scouters, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | Local council service center, National Association of United Methodist Scouters, or P.R.A.Y. 11123 S. Towne Square, Ste. B St. Louis, MO 63123-7816 800-933-7729 314-845-3318 Fax: 314-845-0038 |  | The Association of Unity Churches P.O. Box 610 Lee's Summit, MO 64063 816-524-7414 |  |