Girl Scouts have a special way of saying things. Here are some of the words and there meanings...
Badge - A Girl Scout Recognition designed to encourage girls to find out about and develop skills in a wide variety of subject areas.
Bridging Activities - Activities preparing troop/group members for the next Girl Scout age-level or transition into the use of different age-level resources.
Bridging Ceremony - A ceremony that celebrates the transition from one age-level in Girl Scouting to the next.
Bronze Award - The highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn. It requires leadership, planning skills, and follow through and may be accomplished as an individual or as a group.
Brownie Girl Scout - Girl Scouts in the second and third grade.
Brownie Girl Scout Ring - Form of troop government where Brownie Girl Scouts and troop leaders sit in a circle to make decisions and plan troop activities.
Brownie Badge - A noncompetitive recognition for Brownie Girl Scouts that encourages girls to try things that are new to them.
Buddy System - A safety practice in which two girls are paired to keep watch over each other.

Cadette Girl Scouts - Girls Scouts in the sixth, seventh and eighth grade.
Council - A nonprofit corporation devoted to the Girl Scout movement and responsible to develop, manage and maintain Girl Scouting within the specific area of jurisdiction. Program delivery and membership development are the primary functions of a Girl Scout council. We belong to the Girl Scout Council of Central Indiana (GSCI).
Court of Awards - A ceremony where girls receive awards for their achievements.
Closing Ceremony - A short ceremony at the close of a meeting.

Daisy - The nickname of Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low.
Daisy Petals - Awards earned by Daisy Girl Scouts. Each petal is a different color and represents one of the 10 parts of the Girl Scout Law. To earn a petal, a girl shows her troop leader she understands the corresponding part of the Law.
Daisy Girl Scout - Girl Scouts in kindergarten and first grade.
Daisy Girl Scout Circle - Form of troop government where Daisy Girl Scouts and their leaders sit in a circle and plan future activities.
Dunk Bag - A mesh cloth bag with a drawstring, used to sterilize and hang dry eating utensils when washing dishes.

Flag Ceremony - A ceremony that honors the flag of the United states of America.
Fly Up - Occassion at which a Brownie Girl Scout progresses to Junior Girl Scout.
Founder's Day - October 31, Juliette Low's birthday, the founder of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Friendship Circle - All stand in a circle, each person crossing their right arm over their left arm, clasping hands with their friends on both sides.
Friendship Squeeze - As everyone stands silently in the friendship circle, a squeeze is passed from hand to hand.
Girl Guides - The term used instead of Girl Scouts in many countries.
Girl Scout Birthday - March 12, 1912, the day the first Girl Scout troop was formed in the United States by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia.
Girl Scout Handshake - A form of greeting used by Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world. It is done by shaking hands with the left hand while making the Girl Scout sign with the right. The left handed handshake represents friendship because the left hand is closer to the heart than the right hand.
Girl Scout Leader - A registered Girl Scout adult and trained volunteer who meets regularly with girls to help them achieve the purposes of Girl Scouting.
Girl Scout Leader's Day - A day of appreciation for adult volunteers in Girl Scouting held on April 22 every year.
Girl Scout Law - Principle of conduct to which Girl Scouts subscribe.
Girl Scout Mission - Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Girl Scout Motto - "Be Prepared"
Girl Scout Promise - Pledge made by each girl and adult member to try to live up to the ideals of Girl Scouting.
Girl Scout Sign - A form of greeting exchanged whenever Girl Scouts and Girl Guides meet. Three fingers of the right hand are extended to symbolize the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise. Also used when the Girl Scout Promise is made or repeated.
Girl Scout Slogan - "Do a good turn daily."
Girl Scout Sabbath or Sunday - The Saturday or Sunday in Girl Scout Week is known as Girl Scout Sunday. It is a time for members to be recognized in their place of worship or to recognize the place of worship of a troop/group. It is also an appropriate time for religious recognitions to be awarded to Girl Scouts exploring their own faith.
Girl Scout Week - The week beginning the weekend prior to March 12; set aside for activities to celebrate Girl Scout Birthday.
Gold Award - The highest achievement in Girl Scouting earned by Senior or Ambassador Girl Scouts. The requirements demand efficient organizational, time management, and leadership skills.
GSUSA - Girl Scouts of the United States of America.

Insignia - Official Girl Scout emblems, buttons, badges, pins and other forms of recognition that may be worn on the front of the Girl Scout uniform by registered members.
Investiture Ceremony - A ceremony at which girls and adults are welcomed into Girl Scouting.
Juliette - A girl registered as a Girl Scout, but without troop affiliation.
Juliette Gordon Low - Founder of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., lived from October 31, 1860 to January 17, 1927.
Juliette Low World Friendship Fund (JLWFF) - An international fund, established in 1929 to honor Juliette Low and her vision of worldwide friendship. The fund is used to promote international friendship and travel to the Four World Centers.
Junior Girl Scout - Girl Scouts in fourth and fifth grade.
Kaper Chart - Method for organizing activities, a visual reminder of the kapers (or tasks) that need to be completed.

Leader, Assistant Leader, Co-Leader, Advisor - Adult volunteers who serve with Girl Scout troops and have primary responsibility for its leadership.
Leader-In-Training (LIT) - A girl who has completed ninth grade may begin this five to eight month project, where she will complete a group leadership course and then work with a mentor leader/advisor in a Daisy, brownie, Junior, or Cadette troop. It is designed so that high school girls can acquire the skills and confidence necessary to guide a group of younger girls, and to hold future leadership positions within and outside of Girl Scouting. She will earn the LIT pin upon completing the group leadership course, and the LIT patch after completing the internship.

Membership Dues - A $25 fee paid annually to Girl Scouts of the USA for registration as one of the requirements for becoming a member of GSUSA

Opening Ceremony - A short ceremony at the beginning of a meeting.

Patch - An unofficial recognition for participation in a troop, district or council-wide activity.
Patch Program - GSUSA and Council sponsored programs designed to develop skills in leadership, service, outdoor education, human relations, history, health, personal empowerment, or just for fun! Each patch program is a great way to expand on troop/group activities and earn an official patch.
Patrol - Form of troop government in which the troop is divided into smaller groups to help make decisions, plan activities and complete designated tasks.
Policy - An established course of action that must be followed.
Program Aide (PA) - A Cadette or Senior Girl Scout who has earned the PA pin. She has skills to serve with younger girls at council, district, or other Girl Scout events and programs.
Program Aide in Training (PAIT) - Girls entering grade 7 or older who are interested in leadership training may attend PAIT at some of the District Day Camps during the summer.Girls will earn their Program Aide pin upon completion of the training.
Promise Center - Award earned by Daisy Girl Scouts. A girl receives this award after showing her troop leader she understands the Girl Scout Promise.

Quiet Sign - A way to let everyone know it is time to be quiet. An adult raises her hand. Each person who sees this sign stops talking and raises her hand until everyone is quiet.

Rededication Ceremony - Renewal of the Girl Scout Promise and Law.

Service Project - A troop or group project that benefits schools, places of worship, organizations or the community.
Silver Award - The highest award that a Cadette Girl Scout can earn. Recognizes efforts in a range of community and Girl Scout experiences and commitment to helping others.
Sister Troop - Troop of either the next or the previous age level with which the girls in the primary troop participate in bridging activities.
Sit-Upon - A lightweight, waterproof pad or mat to "sit upon" when the ground is damp or dusty.
Sponsor - A business or community organization that offers a troop assistance with resource personnel, meeting locations, uniforms, books, etc.
S.W.A.P.S. - Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere or Share With A Pal

Trefoil - Symbol of membership used in the designs of Girl Guide and Girl Scout pins throughout the world. The three broad parts of the trefoil represent the three parts of the Girl Scout Promise.
Troop - A group of girls with adult leadership who voluntarily join Girl Scouts, meet membership requirements and use the Girl Scout program.
Troop Committee - Group of registered adults who provide support and assistance to a troop.

WAGGGS - World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Worldwide organization to which Girl Scouts of the USA belongs with 144 member countries and approximately 8.5 million members.
World Centers - Properties owned and maintained by WAGGGS. These properties serve as program and meeting centers for girls, aged 14 and older and adult members. Property locations are:
Our Chalet in Adelboden, Switzerland;
Our Cabana in Cuernavaca, Mexico;
Pax Lodge/Olave Centre in London, England; and
Sangam in Pune, India.
World Thinking Day - February 22, the birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, is the day in which Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world think of each other and exchange greetings. Thinking Day celebrations encourage cross-cultural understanding.