All boys who have completed kindergarten are eligible to join cub scouts as Tigers. During the fifth grade, Arrow of Light scouts, the oldest of the cub scouts, cross over into the Boy Scout Program. Boys "age up" on June 1st of each year when they transfer to the next rank level, with the exception of fifth grade Arrow of Light scouts, who cross into Boy Scouts in March.
Boys who are in first grade (or seven years of age) are a part of a Tiger den, where each boy works with an adult partner on the requirements to earn his Tiger Cub badge. Boys remain a "Tiger" until the completion of first grade, even after earning their Tiger Rank Badge.

Boys who are in second grade (or eight years of age) are in a Wolf Den. Wolves may attend den meeting independently, but parents are encouraged to attend and will need to help their sons complete activities and projects towards their Wolf rank at home. Boys remain a "Wolf" until the completion of second grade, even after earning their Wolf Rank Badge.

Boys who are in third grade (or nine years of age) are in a Bear Den. Bears will continue to need the support and assistance of their parents as they progress towards rank; however, as they are becoming more independent and autonomous at this level. Boys remain a "Bear" until the completion of third grade, even after earning their Bear Rank Badge.

Boys in fourth grade will work towards becoming Webelos Scouts. Webelos Scouts do more advanced activities to get ready to graduate into Boy Scouting. Unlike the other ranks of cub scouting, they are able to camp as a den, and will visit boy scout troops, as they prepare to cross-over. Boys remain a "Webelos" until the completion of fourth grade.

Boys in fifth grade
will work towards earning their Arrow of Light, which is the highest honor a cub scout can earn. The Arrow of Light badge is the only badge that will transfer from a boys' cub scout uniform to his boy scout uniform.

Regardless of when a boy enters cub scouts, he first must earn his Bobcat. Part of the requirement of this rank include learning, understanding and being able to recite the Cub Scout Motto, the Cub Scout promise, and the Law of the Pack. These first rank requirements should not be arduous, and are expected to be completed within the first two months of joining cub scouts.