Girl Scout Daisies are in Kindergarten and Grade 1
Girl Scout Daisies are the youngest members of the Girl Scout family. Girl Scout Daisies go on trips, learn about nature and science, and explore the arts and their communities.

Girl Scout Brownies are in Grades 2 and 3.
If you're an explorer or a discoverer -- or would like to be one -- then you're all set to be a Girl Scout Brownie! Friendship, fun, and age-appropriate activities begin at the Brownie Girl Scout activities and move out to the community and wider world.
Girl Scout Juniors are in Grades 4 and 5.
Do you look around at new and interesting things and think, "I'd like to try that!"? That's what Girl Scout Juniors is all about. Girl Scout Juniors discover what girl power is all about through new activities and by learning to take charge of their own plans.
Girl Scout Cadettes are in Grades 6,7, and 8.
Girl Scout Cadettes take on a whole new dimension and lets you be the one to take the lead. Girl Scout Cadettes improve their leadership skills and work to assist younger Girl Scouts. They focus on adventure and community service, as they develop the people skills that future leaders need.
Girl Scout Seniors are in Grades 9 and 10.
Girl Scout Seniors take on a deeper dimension into their world! Girl Scout Seniors explore travel, career options, self-image and healthy lifestyles. They learn about and develop their own values, attitudes, actions and leadership. They expand their friendships, develop confidence and learn to advocate for issues they truly care about.
Girl Scout Ambassadors are in Grades 11 and 12.
Girl Scout Ambassadors mix and match activities and resources to suit their interests while also giving back to the community. They gain and improve upon a wide array of skills (including networking, planning and speaking up for what they believe) that will benefit as they prepare for life beyond high school. Girl Scout Ambassadors learn about the decision-making process and explore ways to create and present their own unique visions of the changes they want to make in the world.
All levels have exciting STEAM Badges and Journeys that they can work on