Leadship Training is an important part of the success of a Cub Scout Pack. It prepares the leader with ways to enhance the program at the Den and Pack level, and helps all of the leaders to provide a Quality Program.
Brand new leaders will benefit from the Fast Start Training available online through the National E-learning site. But the Fast Start program is only a general introduction to Scouting. More formalized training should follow.
For more formalized training, there are two basic courses for Scout Leaders. Completion of these two courses earns the leader the the "Trained" patch that is shown to the right.
- Fast Start Training is the first step in the training continuum, and is meant to provide all the information and resources for new leaders to conduct their first meeting, along with guidance for the meetings that follow. This training is available online at the online learning center (myscouting.scouting.org). Ideally, leaders should take this training within 48 hours of signing the application to be a leader.
- New Leader Essentials is an introductory session that highlights the values, aims, history, funding, and methods of Scouting. It addresses how these aims and methods are reached in an age-appropriate style within Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing. Videos, discussions, and hands-on reinforcement are presented during the 90-minute training session. Ideally, all unit-based volunteers—Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Venturing leaders—take this session at the same time, so they understand that they are all striving for the same results with the youth they serve. Each leader completes New Leader Essentials training only once.
- Cub Scout Leader Specifics Training: This training is specific for different positions: Tiger Cub den leaders, Cub Scout den leaders, Webelos den leaders, Cubmasters, Pack Committee members and Pack Trainers.
- Youth Protection: Youth Protection is a program designed to protect our Scouts from anything that might be considered inappropriate. It's also designed to educate the leader in the proper precautions he or she needs to take to protect our scouts and leaders from being in harm's way. This training should be renewed every 3 years. Youth Protection training can be completed as an online course over the internet, but to insure proper credit, you must follow the link from your council's webpage. The leader is considered trained upon completion of Fast Start, New Leader Essentials, Leader Specific Training for their position and Youth Protection Training.
If you've not logged in before, you'll need to create an account - and be sure to keep track of your login information. Your BSA Number is on your BSA membership card. You do NOT need to have your BSA number to register and complete the training. When you do have the number, you'll have to update your profile at myscouting.scouting.org to make sure the records are updated. For good measure, it's not a bad idea to print off the certificate at the end.
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