What Is Cub Scouting?
Cub Scouting is fun! No matter what grade you are in, Kindergarten through fifth, it can be a blast. Do you like to learn by doing? This is just the place. You can learn to tie knots, set up a tent, or shoot a bow and arrow (archery). Have you ever cooked a meal on a campfire? Sent a secret code to a buddy? Built a birdhouse? Hiked? Earn rewards for doing these things in Cub Scouts.
Cub Scouts Belong to Packs and Dens
Each local Cub Scout group is formed into a "Pack" that is chartered or sponsored by a local organization. The Pack meets once each month, gathering all the scouts together for fun and recognition. Each Pack consists of several smaller "dens" of about 5 to 8 boys or girls of the same age/grade. Each den does age appropriate activities to advance in rank and meets 2 to 3 times per month.
As a Cub Scout, you will be part of your own pack.
The Cub Scout pack belongs to a church, a school, or some other group of people in your community or neighborhood. This group makes sure your pack has good adult leaders, a place to meet, and exciting things to do. The group gets help from the Boy Scouts of America, which is part of Scouting around the world.
Cub Scouts Do Things and Go Places
Have you been to the local police station and talked to the policemen on duty? Or visited the fire station and sat in the driver's seat of the pumper truck? Or visited the local TV station and sat in the news anchor's chair? These are some of the places you might go with your den or pack.
You might also build a pinewood derby car and race it on the track, build a sailboat or trimaran and race it in the raingutter regatta, or build a spaceship and race it to the stars in the pack space derby.
Cub Scouts Earn Awards
Each time you complete an accomplishment or learn a new skill, you will be rewarded. Sometimes the reward is a loop for your belt, a pin, or a patch. Sometimes it is a smile on your parents' faces to see you grow and learn.
The Ten Purposes of Cub Scouting:
- Character Development
- Spiritual Growth
- Good Citizenship
- Sportsmanship and Fitness
- Family Understanding
- Respectful Relationships
- Personal Achievement
- Friendly Service
- Fun and Adventure
- Preparation for Boy Scouts
The Advancement Trail
On the advancement trail, a Cub Scout progresses from rank to rank, learning new skills as he or she goes. Each of the ranks and awards in Cub Scouting has its own requirements. As you advance through the ranks, the requirements get more challenging, to match the new skills and abilities you learn as you get older.

Each child should have a copy of the latest Scout Handbook appropriate to their rank. The Handbook describes all requirements to progress in scouting and also what is expected of them.

The Cub Scout Uniform (some info from scouting.org)
Wearing uniforms has been a method of the Scouting movement from the beginning. Decades of experience show uniforming to have many benefits, including these:
- Equality. The uniform represents a democratic ideal of equality. Boys from various cultures and different economic levels wear the same uniform and cooperate as equals.
- Identification. The uniform identifies a boy as a member of the Cub Scouts. Badges on the uniform tell other members that he belongs to their den, pack, and council. The uniform itself identifies a good citizen to the entire community.
- Achievement. The uniform displays badges and other awards so the accomplishments of each Cub Scout can be immediately recognized.
- Commitment. Wearing a uniform is a constant reminder to each Cub Scout of his commitment to the ideals and purposes of Cub Scouting: duty to God, loyalty to country, and helpfulness to others.
For these reasons, among others, all parents should emphasize to their Scouts the importance of wearing the correct and complete uniform on all suitable occasions.
Click here for Additional Uniform Info
All uniforms, accessories, handbooks, etc. are available at the local Scout Shop located at 2 Garden Center Dr. Greensburg, PA 15601. Most items also available online at ScoutStuff.org
Adult Volunteer Leaders
All parents are expected to contribute to the Pack in some way to make the Cub Scout program a success. We make big promises for what scouting can deliver and new scouts have big expectations for their scouting experience, but none of it can happen without generous adults who are committed to creating a quality scouting program with Pack 311. If you only have an hour or two every other month, there is always a special project you can do for the Pack. If you love working with kids or planning fun activities, Cub Scouting can definitely put your special talents to good use! Come to the monthly Leadership & Parents Meeting and find out how you can make Pack 311 even better!
Direct Contact Leaders (Lead and interact with the Scouts themselves):
- Cubmaster
- Assistant Cubmaster
- Den Leaders
- Assistant Den Leaders
- Tiger Cub Partners
Pack Committee (Supports the DCL's and operates the business of the Pack):
- Committee Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Achievement & Advancement Coordinator
- Outings Coordinator
- Membership & Registration Coordinator
- Public Relations/Website Coordinator
- Religious Awards Coordinator
- Training Coordinator
All registered adult volunteers must have completed Youth Protection Training prior to leading any activities involving youth. Position specific training (den leader, committee member, pack trainer, etc.) and specialized training for outdoor activities, overnight outings, etc. is also available. Most training can be done online at myscouting.org and also at training sessions hosted by the local Council.