Besides the advancement awards and the adventure loops and pins, Cub Scouts may earn other individual awards. Set your sights on these:
Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award

Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts may earn the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award. This award recognizes the Scout for taking part in outdoor recreation and conservation projects. In many cases, you can earn this award while doing other Scouting activities. Click here for more information about this award.
Religious Emblems
To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, many religious groups have programs for young people to earn a religious emblem. The Boy Scouts of America approves of these programs and allows the religious emblems to be worn on the official uniform.
For a list of emblems programs, and a list of awards provided by each faith or religious group, see the Religious Emblems Programs page. Cub Scout World Conservation Award The World Conservation Award for Cub Scouts provides an opportunity for individual Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts to “think globally” and “act locally” to preserve and improve our environment. This program is designed to make youth members aware that all nations are closely related through natural resources, and that we are interdependent with our world environment. Requirements for this award must be completed in addition to any similar requirements completed for rank. This award may not be earned by Tigers. |  |

Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award
Outdoor Ethics Action Award
Cub Scouts who are interested in learning more about outdoor ethics and Leave No Trace may earn the Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award. The Outdoor Ethics Action Award asks Scouts to use their new knowledge to take steps to improve their outdoor skills.
   | STEM/Nova Awards The Nova awards for Cub Scouts are for Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts who are interested in learning more about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These awards may not be earned by Tiger Scouts. For their first Nova awards, Scouts have the opportunity to earn the Nova award patch, followed by three more p pin-on devices. The patch and the three devices represent each of the four STEM topics. The Supernova awards have more challenging requirements and recognize more in-depth, advanced achievement in STEM related activities. |

Emergency Preparedness Award
"Emergency preparedness" means being ready for all kinds of emergencies. It means you're ready and able to help in times of trouble to save lives and property and to help a community—or even a nation—get back to normal after a disaster happens. To encourage Scouts of all ages to be prepared for emergencies, the BSA has approved an Emergency Preparedness Award program for members of all ages. To learn more about the award requirements and to download an application form, visit the Emergency Preparedness Award page.
Cub Scouts who compete in Cub Scout derbies, field days, and other competitive events can win medals to wear on their uniform.
Spirit of the Eagle Award
The Boy Scouts of America has created the Spirit of the Eagle Award as an honorary, posthumous special recognition for a registered youth member who has lost his or her life in an accident or through illness.
Spirt of the Eagle Application