Cub scouts buy their own uniform shirt, including the Orange County Pacifica council patch, Pack 455 numerals and World Scout Crest. The pack provides the badges and awards after the scout earns them.
Lion (Kindergarten) wear the Lion t-shirt. Tiger (1st graders), Wolf (2nd graders), Bear (3rd graders), and Webelos (4th graders) scouts use the blue Cub Scout uniform, while the Arrow of Light (5th graders) use the tan Boy Scout uniform shirt.
 | You can find your uniform online at the BSA Store or at the local scout store. Cub scout collection - Shirt - The official uniform shirt is available with long or short sleeves and has button-flap pockets and “Boy Scouts of America” lettered in gold above the right pocket.
- Trousers or shorts - Official blue. (not required by Pack 455)
- Belt - Official navy-blue web belt with metal buckle and Tiger, Cub Scout, or Webelos Scout emblem.
- Socks - Official socks are available in three lengths: ankle, crew, and knee. Tigers’ socks are navy blue with orange tops. Cub Scouts’ socks are navy blue with gold tops. (not required by Pack 455)
- Cap - Official navy-blue cap with orange front panel and tiger cub emblem for Tigers; yellow panel and wolf emblem for Wolf Scouts; blue panel and bear emblem for Bear Scouts. Webelos Scouts wear an olive cap with a plain panel bearing the Webelos logo.
- Neckerchief - Triangular neckerchief is orange with navy-blue trim for Tigers, gold with navy-blue trim for Wolf Scouts, light blue with navy-blue trim for Bear Scouts, and plaid for Webelos Scouts. Official BSA neckerchiefs are the only neckerchiefs that boys should wear. Packs should not make their own pack neckerchiefs.
- Neckerchief slide - Official gold-tone metal slide with the Tiger, Cub Scout, or Webelos Scout logo. Boys may wear handmade neckerchief slides.
- Patches (not available online) - For an interactive guide to where patches go see http://bsauniforms.org/

The staff of the Orange County Scout Shop can help you buy the right stuff including the right color for the neckerchief.
- Uniforms
Can be bought at the scout store. We have a small exchange for used uniforms. Consider giving outgrown uniforms to our exchange. Note: Pack 455 does not require the official pants/shorts - Handbooks
We recommend that parents read the books for their child’s age group and follow the boys progress carefully. Every handbook has a parent guide at the beginning. - Recruiting
If your boy has a friend who is interested in Cub Scouts, bring him to any pack or den meeting. Don’t wait for the next year’s membership drive. Any Cub who gets a friend to join earns a recruiter patch that is worn below the right pocket.