Breaking News | Cub Scout Advancement Modifications Made The BSA has announced modifications to adventure requirements in response to feedback from den leaders who have run the new Cub Scouting program for a year. Dens may begin using the modified requirements immediately as they begin working on their next adventure. Click here for the complete list of modifications.  Outdoor Ethics Awareness and Action Awards for Cub Scouts and Leaders Have Been Retired The June 2015 launch of the new Cub Scouting program fundamentally changed Cub Scout advancement requirements. The knowledge, skills, and attributes acquired through the Cub Scout Outdoor Ethics Awareness and Action Awards have been incorporated into, and made an integral part of, the new Cub Scout adventures. To avoid redundancy, the Cub Scout Outdoor Ethics Awareness and Action Awards have been retired and will no longer be available for Cub Scouts and Cub Scout leaders to earn. The adult content will be incorporated into the revisions being made to BALOO training and will be released soon. Pilot Councils to Grow and Serve Youth Through the Lion Program Ready … Aim … Fire! Announcing the New Cub Scout Shooting Sports Awards! Take aim at fun and excitement in your council with the new Cub Scout Shooting Sports Awards. Insignia will arrive in national Scout shops and become available for wholesale customers in February. The awards will be offered in three disciplines: BB guns, archery, and slingshots. Councils may choose to offer one or more of the disciplines. With rank-specific requirements and insignia, there is incentive for boys to earn the awards year after year at camp. Our youth members consistently list shooting sports as one of their most-desired outdoor activities. With these new awards, Cub Scouts will hit the bull’s-eye with fun! Cub Scout Shooting Sports Guide  Award requirements  Shooting sports award FAQs  Shooting sports tracking sheet  Shooting sports targets  Wolf Handbook, Germs Alive Adventure Correction In the first 2015 printing of the Wolf Handbook, there were incorrect measurements in the recipe for fake mucus that appears on pages 239 and 240. The correct recipe can be downloaded here . Up Your Game With These Great Learning Opportunities! Are you ready to take your Cub Scouting skills to the next level? Scroll down to the Learning Opportunities section and check out the learning opportunities available at the Florida Sea Base and Philmont Training Center in 2016. Position-Specific In-Person Training Guides Available Now! The training guides for Den Leader , Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster , and Pack Committee (Pack Committee Challenge) are now available on the adult training page of The online training for den leaders, Cubmasters, committee chairs and members, and chartered organization representatives has been totally updated with help from volunteers from around the country. The new training will be divided into shorter, more targeted modules so leaders can get the training they need, in the order they want, any time they need it. The new training is organized around the learning needed prior to the first meeting, in the first 30 days, and to be position-specific trained. This new training was developed to be implemented in conjunction with the BSA’s new learning management system. The anticipated timing for launching this new tool is June 30, 2015. Keep an eye on MyScouting Tools (logging in through ) for more information. New Pack Meeting Plans Available Now! Pack meeting plans for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 Cub Scouting years are now available! From the Cubmaster’s Minute to resource lists, you’ll find everything you need to lead fun and engaging pack meetings! And they support the new Cub Scouting program, too! Click here to download the plans. Updated Requirements for Cub Scout Awards The requirements for the National Den Award, National Summertime Pack Award, Cub Scout World Conservation Award, and the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award have been revised to reflect the new Cub Scouts program that launched June 1, 2015. Click here for details . | Cub Scouting | Youth Handbook Covers |  |  |  |  | Den Leader Guide Covers |  |  |  |  | Quick Links | Orientation Videos Exciting changes are coming to the Cub Scouting program that will make it simpler to execute for unit leaders and more fun for boys! Check out the videos below outlining the the changes. | Cubmaster New Program Orientation | Den Leader New Program Orientation | | | | | LDS New Program Orientation | History of Cub Scouting | | | | | Supplemental Roundtable Content To help prepare unit leaders for the new Cub Scouting program launching June 1, supplemental roundtable content has been developed to replace or supplement the current sessions listed as "Cub Scout Interest Topics" for January–July 2015. Available installments are posted below. January – Program Support for Den Leaders Topic Guide  Presentation Materials  February – Advancement Topic Guide  Presentation Materials  March – Program Planning Topic Guide  Presentation Materials  Worksheet  April – New Pack Meeting Plans Topic Guide  Presentation Materials  May – Aquatic Adventures Topic Guide  Presentation Materials  June – Campfire Programs Topic Guide  Presentation Materials  Worksheet  July – Resources for Packs and Den Leaders Topic Guide  | Boy Scouting | - Notes on Transitioning to the New Requirements in 2016
| En Español  - 2016 Boy Scout requirements—parallel comparison
 The 2016 Boy Scout rank requirements are now available for viewing. This document gives a parallel comparison of existing requirements and requirements that will be effective Jan. 1, 2016. - 2016 Boy Scout requirements FAQs
 - 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements
 - 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements - Printable Insert
 - 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements (Spanish)
 - 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements (Spanish) - Printable Insert
 - Latest New Merit Badge News and Counselor Resources
- Program Features for Troops, Teams, and Crews
Appendix  Volume 1  Volume 2 Volumes 1 and 2 of the new Program Features for Troops, Teams, and Crews are now available at . Volume 3 will be available in early 2016. Each volume includes 16 program features with a mix of topics: outdoor, sports, health and safety, citizenship and personal development, STEM, and arts and hobbies. Leaders and youth members can use these to plan exciting programs, help facilitate advancement and personal growth, and keep youth members engaged. - Troop Leader Guidebook, Volume 1
 This new resource, which replaces the Scoutmaster Handbook, gives new and relatively inexperienced troop leaders an introduction to the Boy Scout program. However, leaders of all experience levels will find this resource helpful. The Troop Leader Guidebook, volume 1 (SKU 616729) is available at . The appendix in itself is a valuable collection of resources and is available to download here. - Roundtable Planning Guide
The new Roundtable Planning Guide is now available to help roundtable commissioners provide leaders with program ideas and information on policy and events, as well as training opportunities. - Guide to Advancement—New Edition Now Available
The 2015 edition of the Guide to Advancement is now available from . A PDF also is available online. - Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
This resource for Eagle Scout candidates is available online. The workbook can be downloaded for PC or Mac users—just follow the download instructions. - New! Interactive Digital Merit Badge Pamphlets
The Cooking, Robotics, Animation, and First Aid merit badge pamphlets are now available in a new and exciting interactive digital format. These electronic versions of the pamphlets can be downloaded to your tablet or smartphone. Experience cutting-edge technology such as video clips, quizzes, sound bites, and other supplemental information. Additional titles will continue to be added. For a current list of interactive digital merit badge pamphlets, go to . | Venturing | | Program Ambassadors | Become a program ambassador to your local council. Get alerts when there are changes to this page by clicking here . | Learning Opportunities | Are you ready to take your Cub Scouting skills to the next level? Check out these learning opportunities available at the Florida Sea Base and Philmont Training Center! Elevate ... to a High-Performing Cub Scout Pack! Learn what it takes to move your pack to the next level. Take a deep dive into topics such as: effective recruiting practices, growing your pack, supporting Cub Scouts on their advancement journey, converting parents from bystanders to engaged pack volunteers, and leading fun and exciting pack meetings. Move your pack from "great" to "epic" by ensuring you know what it takes to deliver the life-changing experiences only Cub Scouting can provide! Designed for pack committee members, Cubmasters, and unit commissioners. Florida Sea Base | Promotional flier  - Week 2: January 17-23, 2016
Philmont Training Center | Registration link  - Week 3: June 19-25, 2016
- Week 6: July 10-16, 2016
- Week 9: July 31-August 6, 2016
- Week 11: August 14-20, 2016 (title this week only is "Building Successful Packs")
Cub Scouting's Outdoor Skills & Fun! Put the "outing" back in Scouting … Cub Scouting that is! Learn fun ways to teach boys about the outdoors. Develop new strategies to ensure more of your Cub Scouts experience the outdoors and engage in the "wilderness" around them. Learn how to enhance their outdoor experience with new games, fun, and more! From campfire songs to outdoor award requirements, you'll become an expert in leading Cub Scouting's outdoor skills and fun. Designed for Cubmasters, den leaders, camp committees, and program planners. Philmont Training Center | Registration link  - Week 3: June 19-25, 2016
- Week 7: July 17-23, 2016
Fun in Dens and Packs! Do you ever sit through long, boring, and chaotic den or pack meetings? Not in your den or pack, right? Learn ways to keep your great meetings going throughout the next Cub Scouting year! From planning and preparation to meeting sparklers, new songs, skits, and more, you'll develop the knowledge, strategies, and skills to ensure your Cub Scouts are engaged and having fun. You'll learn about the tools and resources available to help you deliver a great Cub Scouting experience! Designed for den leaders, Cubmasters, and pack committees. Philmont Training Center | Registration link  - Week 8: July 24-30, 2016
- Week 10: August 7-13, 2016
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