
Scouting is different from other activities in that it is focused on building character, skills, citizenship, togetherness and leadership. Youth with diverse backgrounds and interests come together for one purpose, for something different...and they learn valuable skills through hands-on experiences. Scouting allows your child to spend time with you, doing things they may not otherwise have done or things we all have trouble making time to do given our busy lives! Your child will go places, see things and learn as he/she grows.
Scouting is about experiences and connecting with the community, who he/she is and who he/she can be. It builds self-esteem and confidence. See what others are saying about scouting and explore the experiences your child can have.

Membership Cub Scouting members join a Cub Scout pack and are assigned to a den, usually a group of six to eight youth of one gender. Lion Cubs (kindergarten), Tiger Cubs (first-graders), Wolf Cub Scouts (second-graders), Bear Cub Scouts (third-graders), and Webelos I (fourth-graders), and Arrow of Light Scouts (fifth-graders) meet at least monthly.
Once a month, all of the dens and family members gather for a Pack meeting under the direction of a Cubmaster and pack committee. The committee includes parents of youth in the pack and members of the chartered organization.
Volunteer Leadership Thousands of volunteer leaders, both men and women, are involved in the Cub Scout program. They serve in a variety of positions, as everything from unit leaders to pack committee chairmen, committee members, den leaders, and chartered organization representatives.
Like other phases of the Scouting program, a Cub Scout pack belongs to an organization with interests similar to those of the BSA. This organization, which might be a church, school, community organization, or group of interested citizens, is chartered by the BSA local council to use the Scouting program. This chartered organization provides a suitable meeting place, adult leadership, supervision, and opportunities for a healthy Scouting life for the youth under its care. Each organization appoints one of its members as a chartered organization representative. The organization, through the pack committee, is responsible for providing leadership, the meeting place, and support materials for pack activities.
Who Pays For It? Groups responsible for supporting Cub Scouting are the youth and their parents, the pack, the chartered organization, and the community. The child is encouraged to help pay his/her own way by fundraising or paying dues. Packs also obtain income by working on approved money-earning projects. The community, including parents, supports Cub Scouting through the United Way, Friends of Scouting enrollment, bequests, and special contributions to the BSA local council. This financial support provides leadership training, outdoor programs, council service centers and other facilities, and professional service for units. Advancement Plan Recognition is important to youth. The Cub Scouting advancement plan provides fun for the youth, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges/loops, and strengthens family understanding as adult family members work with youth on advancement projects. Activities
Cub Scouting means "doing." Everything in Cub Scouting is designed to have the youth doing things. Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Many of the activities happen right in the den and pack. The most important are the weekly den meetings and the monthly pack meetings.
Camping Age-appropriate camping programs are packed with theme-oriented action that brings Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts into the great out-of-doors. Day camping comes to the youth in neighborhoods across the country; resident camping is at least a three-day experience in which Cub Scouts and Webelos/AOL Scouts camp within a developed theme of adventure and excitement. "Cub Scout Worlds" are used by many councils to carry the world of imagination into reality with actual theme structures of castles, forts, ships, etc. Cub Scout pack families enjoy camping in local council camps and other council-approved campsites. Camping programs combine fun and excitement with doing one's best, getting along with others, and developing an appreciation for ecology and the world of the outdoors.