Pack 120 is one of the most active Packs in the Tillikum District!
The Pack is active year round with at least one major event a month.
School Year
- Dens meet one or two times a month and have an outing like a hike or museum visit, too.
- There is one Pack Meeting a month and usually a Pack outing or two.
- Some Dens continue meeting over the Summer, having family get-togethers, hikes, camping or other outings.
- Several Pack outings a month.
- Scouts have the option to attend Day or Twilight Camps and Webelos can attend Resident Camp at Fire Mountain.
Below are a few of the activities Pack 120 participates in throughout the year.
January - Pinewood Derby, Scout Night with the Silver Tips
February - Blue & Gold Banquet
March - Scouting for Food, Webelos II Crossover to Boy Scouts
April - Earth Day Project, Popcorn Sales Reward Activity
May - Scout Night with the Mariners, Open House & Raingutter Regatta, Memorial Day Flag Planting at local cemeteries
June - Hands Across the Border, Pack Crossover Ceremony, Summer Campout at Fire Mountain, Webelos Resident Camp
July - Everett 4th of July Parade, Summer Day & Twilight Camps, Summer Outdoor Movies
August - Movies in the Park, Summer Day & Twilight Camps, Summer Outdoor Movies, AquaSox Scout Night & Camp Over
September - Rocket into Scouting, Pack Fall Campout at Fire Mountain, Popcorn Fund Raising
October - Popcorn Fund Raising, Mount Baker Council Stampede at Fire Mountain
November - Veteran’s Day Ceremonies at Seattle Hill & Silver Firs Elementary Schools, Mill Creek Veteran's Day Parade, Husky Scout Day
December - Mill Creek Santa Parade, Pack Caroling, Everett Mall Giving Tree

Ready to get started? Contact us to set up a visit!