Some Kids avoid obstacles.
Scouts overcome them.
The life lessons learned in Scouting form a foundation to embrace opportunity and overcome obstacles in life.
+ A fun and safe environment to learn and grow while developing interests and skills.
+ Character building and development centered around good morals and values.
+ The chance to learn life skills that help Scouts be successful adults and contributing members of society.
+ Exciting outdoor experiences kids love like hiking, camping, fishing, and more!
Below are words that Cub Scouts learn to live by.
Words that become promises; promises that will stay with them for a lifetime!
The Cub Scout Motto

Interested in the history of Cub Scouting?

We believe that all kids should have the chance to join Scouting if they choose to.
Scholarships are available through the Mount Baker Council offices for families that may need the assistance.
Ready to join the Scouting Family?
Contact Us