
|  | | Thank you for your interest in Cub Scout Pack 510 Fall is the best time for your son to join Cub Scouts. We have many exciting activities planned this year from our Rocket Launch, Pinewood Derby, and Rain Gutter Regatta. Community related activities including participating in Clarksville's Veterans Day and Memorial Day ceremonies, Memorial Day grave decorating at the VA National Cemetery, Caroling at Veterans 's retirement community, Clarksville's Veteran' s Day Parade, and Scouting for Food for local food pantries. In Cub Scouts, your son will have lots of fun, learn new things and meet new friends. But Cub Scouts is much more than that. Scouting develops character, leadership, communication skills, and good citizenship. Scouting is a year round program, where most other programs only last a few months. Scouting encourages your son to be active, be healthy, and to Do Your Best!
All new scouts are required to complete an application. New Scout Registration fees can be paid online and are pro-rated (amount determined when the application is submitted) which covers the National BSA fees and Scout's Life Magazine (if selected) for the remain months of the year. The annual registration fee is $76/scout (covers National dues) and is collected during the Pack recharter process in November each year. If your a new scout and never been one before there is now a New users fee of $25.00 If you are a returning Scout this fee does not apply. Leader fees are $46.00 plus a $2.00 insurance fee. For questions about completing the application, or about the Cub Scout Program, please contact Red Kirby . Yours in Scouting | |
This Web site is for information about Cub Scout Pack 510 in Clarksville, Tennessee. We are a member of the Cogioba District which serves Houston, Montgomery, Steward Counties and Fort Campbell, KY in the Western Service Area of the Middle Tennessee Council. Our Pack is open to anyone to join. We are one of the newest Cub Scout Packs in the area. We are always in need of adult leaders, as well as new or returning Cub Scouts. Please drop us a line and we will set you up with a chance of a life time to help us grow. Our Pack is chartered by American Legion Post 289. Pack 510 meets at Barkers Mill elementary School. .
Our Cubmaster is We have a very active Pack Adult Committee and our Pack is always in need of new and former Cub Scout Leaders, Our Pack Committee Chair person is Ernest Schmidt. . If you are interested in Cub Scouting or Boy Scouting in any area just come by and see us or contact our Pack by email. Check this link out on the Cub Scouts: or check this out on YouTube
Our Website Disclaimer:  American Legion Post 289 Cub Scout Pack 510 does not speak on behalf of the BSA nor our Charter Unit. The American Legion. The opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the Scout leaders of Pack 510. Logos, badges, insignias, and buttons are the copyright and/or trademark of their respective owners. The things found on these pages are intended for the use of Cub Scout Pack 510, The Charter Unit and its families. Boy Scouts Of America Cub Scout Pack 510 is not responsible for any misrepresentation or misinformation regarding the BSA, Council or District organization. Pack 510 is not responsible for any errors contained on this site. Please contact the Webmaster regarding any corrections. This site is for your Scouting benefit. Please Enjoy

 | | | Pack 510 is a Cub Scout Pack in Clarksville, TN chartered to American Legion Post 289 here in Clarksville, Tennessee. Most of the Scouts attend public schools, but we do have boys and girls that go to private schools, other public schools and that are home schooled. We welcome boys of all backgrounds and abilities. We are proud of our excellent record for providing a high quality program. Our leaders and parents enjoy being part of the Pack almost as much as the boys! | Cub Scouts is a year round program for boys and Girls,kindergarten through 5th grade. The majority of activities take place during the school calendar year, but there are opportunities throughout the summer including day camp and resident camp. The core values of Cub Scouting include Citizenship, Honesty, Health and Fitness, Respect and Courage. Our main goal is to have a fun and safe program. We like to help our scouts grow. Our activities include camping, cave trips (Dunbar Caverns), Adventure Science Museum sleepovers, Pinewood Derby, Nashville Sounds games, fishing and so much more. The activities and requirements for the boys will change in scope and difficulty as they get older. As Tiger Cubs in 1st Grade there is a lot of family involvement in all activities. When the boys become Webelos in 4th and 5th grade they are given opportunities to work as a patrol and begin the preparation for transition to Boy Scouts. Please come join us for a scouting adventure that will make memories for a lifetime. PLEASE ALSO NOTE OUR UPDATED CALENDAR IS ATTACHED BELOW. Sincerely, Pack 510 Cubmaster | | |